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Hotfix download & objects merge guide

Hotfix download & objects merge guide Di seguito una piccola guida indicativa per scaricare gli hotfix da Microsoft ed installarli. Collegarsi a questo sito: MBS Partner Source (o Customer Source)   Procedere con la Login con utente Partner (o da Customer Source con utente del cliente)   Una volta autenticati,  cliccare su Support. Cliccare su Hotfixes In que 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
giovedì, 30 apr 2015 Ore. 17.01


1           introduzione    Questo documento descrive brevemente la funzionalità del bilancio XBRL (eXtensible business reporting language) presente in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 e NAV 2015 (ma anche in versioni precedenti con gestione a forms)   Su questo sito sono disponibili le tassonomie (presenti anche in questo documento) &nb 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
lunedì, 23 mar 2015 Ore. 21.19

Procedura per aggiornamento manuale "Ultimo costo diretto - Last Direct Cost"

Procedura per aggiornamento manuale "Ultimo costo diretto - Last Direct Cost"Sequenza Operazioni   1) Nella tabella Value Entry occorre aggiornare i campi Costo per Unità - Cost per Unit , Importo Costo Effettivo - Cost Amount (Actual) se diverso da zero e Importo costo previsto - Cost Amount (Expected) se diverso da zero con il valore ricalcolato per tutti i movimenti ad eccezione di quelli di tipo vendita Item Ledger Entry Type = Purchase   2) Togliere il flag Co 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
mercoledì, 21 gen 2015 Ore. 19.26

NAV-lab, President’s Club for MS Dynamics 2014

                                             NAV-lab, President’s Club for MS Dynamics 2014NAV-lab ha ricevuto da Microsoft, per il secondo anno consecutivo, il riconoscimento President's Club for Microsoft Dynamics 2014.Il President's Club 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
venerdì, 05 set 2014 Ore. 13.53

Consolidamento in NAV 2013 (Consolidated Financials Statements) "HOW-TO"

1      Introduzione In questo documento verrà illustrato come consolidare società i cui dati contabili sono salvati in uno o più database in Microsoft Dynamics Nav o in un database esterno. In Microsoft Dynamics Nav consolidare significa combinare i bilanci di due o più società separate in un unico bilancio consolidato. Ogni singola società è chiamata Business Unit e l’azienda creata per combinare i bilanci è detta società consolidata. &nbs 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
lunedì, 01 set 2014 Ore. 16.50

NAV Web Services Connectivity Samples

NAV Web Services Connectivity Samples (Many Samples reposted from original Freddy Blog posts) blog posts available "AS TODAY" about Web Services Connectivy & Integration (my opinion!) Web Services Infrastructure and how to Create an Internal Proxy Connecting to NAV Web Services from C# using Web Reference 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
venerdì, 01 ago 2014 Ore. 11.58

"Why and How" move Dynamics NAV to Windows Azure ?

  Why and How" move Dynamics NAV to Windows Azure? WHY: "Windows Azure: Benefits of Moving Dynamics NAV to Microsoft’s Cloud" Windows Azure is a cloud services platform from Microsoft that can host a wide variety of applications and databases, including Microsoft Dynamics NAV. For example, NAV 2013 R2 and NAV 2013 with Feature Pack 1 include Provisioning Tools that enable you to easily deploy to Azure. It is also possible to migrate earlier versions of NAV as well with the gen 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
martedì, 15 lug 2014 Ore. 22.02

WEBINAR: "Tempo Zero Distribution per Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013"

WEBINAR: "Tempo Zero Distribution per Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013"15 LUGLIO 2014 DALLE ORE 10.30 ALLE 0RE 12.00EVENTO ONLINE - ISCRIVITIL'evento presenta la soluzione ERP per le aziende commerciali:Tempo Zero Distribution per Microsoft Dynamics NAV.In particolare viene mostrato - tramite demo - come l'ERP NAV aumenti l'efficienza delle persone quando le casististiche di vendita, quali le diverse tipologie di clienti con condizioni di vendita e destinazioni diversificate, e la gestione degli agen 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
martedì, 15 lug 2014 Ore. 00.33

ADCS NAV 2013– Automated Data Capture System "How-To"

ADCS NAV 2013– Automated Data Capture System  "How-To"  (guide to ADCS configuration)  First of all let’s understand the architecture of ADCS in NAV 2013 R2; mind it – its no more MSMQ as communication mode between VT100 plugin and NAV server. Now the communication happens via web services (GREAT !!!)[the above image is taken from msdn site]This opens up the list of functionality available to be used through ADCS and this list is nothing but the list of miniforms available in NAV  
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
lunedì, 14 lug 2014 Ore. 23.31

NAV 2013 Web Client Architecture Considerations Scenario

NAV 2013 Web Client Architecture "Considerations" ScenarioSOME NAV "WEB CLIENT" ISSUES"My Questions" to Microsoft for an Implementation Scenario with a "very slow" Internet Connection (and slow latency time!!),  ... some questions about how NAV Web Clients WorksThe browser must be able to install the Report Viewer ActiveX control to be able to print. Ø  Nav Technology used by the NAV Web Client (how it connects to the NAV) .. Server, which technology is used ... how NAV Web C 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
domenica, 13 lug 2014 Ore. 22.44

Configuring "NAS" to use "Job Queue"

"One NAS can service multiple companies, but it does need a company to start up......"Configuring NAS to use Job Queue 1) On the Server machine, start the Dynamics NAV Administration Console 2) Select the server instance and click the Edit button 3) Go to the NAS Services fast-tab 4) Set the Company field value to CRONUS International Ltd. 5) Set the Startup Codeunit field value to 450Alternatively you can change the setup of step 5 to: - Set the Startup Codeunit field value to 1 - Set the Start 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
domenica, 13 lug 2014 Ore. 22.32

My book's review: "Programming Microsoft Dynamics Nav 2013 by David Studebaker"

My book's review: "Programming Microsoft Dynamics Nav 2013 by David Studebaker""Nice book, for beginners & experts NAV developers"Positive notes The book is suitable for those who want to start programming with NAV 2013, does not require a previous technical knowledge, even those who are new to the NAV environment and NAV C/AL can learn a lot from this book; is a book for everyone.Interesting is the chapter on the development with Dynamics NAV 2013, the book explains in detail all the o 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
domenica, 13 lug 2014 Ore. 22.27

Latency Time with NAV the three-tier architecture

"Latency Time" with 2013 NAV the three-tier architecture Single-user performance tests run on a two-computer setup with the three-tier architecture. Computer A runs the client tests, and computer B runs the service tier and the database to represent the server. During the test, a network throttling tool was used on computer A to simulate limited bandwidth and high latency on the connection to computer B. The different settings on the network throttling simulate high-speed ISDN and different conn 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
domenica, 13 lug 2014 Ore. 22.23

Consuming a nav 2013 page using "c#" and-"Odata"

Consuming a NAV 2013 Page using C# and ODATA :  a very nice port about NAV 2013 OData Web Services"As you may know, NAV 2013 allows you to access data in NAV via ODATA services as well as SOAP. While Daniel Rimmelzwaan put together a good overview of publishing ODATA in NAV (which you can read at NAV 2013 Beta - OData Introduction), I didn’t really see any tutorials on how to consume said ODATA once you’ve got it published, so after I spent some time figuring out how to make it happen,  
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
domenica, 13 lug 2014 Ore. 22.21

WEBINAR: "Tempo Zero Distribution per Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2"

WEBINAR: "Tempo Zero Distribution per Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013" 15 LUGLIO 2014 - DALLE ORE 10.30 ALLE 0RE 12.00 EVENTO ONLINE L'evento presenta la soluzione ERP per le aziende commerciali: "Tempo Zero Distribution" per Microsoft Dynamics NAV. In particolare viene mostrato - tramite demo - come l'ERP NAV aumenti l'efficienza delle persone quando le casistiche di vendita, quali le diverse tipologie di clienti con condizioni di vendita e destinazioni diversificate, e la gestione degli  
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
sabato, 12 lug 2014 Ore. 20.33

NAV Tech Days 2014, Antwerp Belgium, 20-21 November

NAV Tech Days 2014, Antwerp Belgium, 20-21 NovemberMy Best Session i hope and think   "NAV TO TABLET: the new NAV touch enable client"  This new release of Dynamics NAV brings your application to the tablets with a beautiful touch enabled interface.In this session, we will show you how easy it is to enable your pages for the Windows tablets, the Android tablets or the iPad.In the more advanced part of the presentation, you will also learn what it takes to develop your own custom device 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
giovedì, 10 lug 2014 Ore. 23.31

OData & Powerpivot: Viewing Page Data in Excel Using PowerPivot (OData)

Great post about OData & Powerpivot tables on Excel on MSDN"Use OData Web Services to obtain an AtomPub document""The Open Data Protocol (OData) is a web protocol that is designed for querying tabular data and provides you with an alternative to SOAP-based web services. OData builds on web technologies such as HTTP, the Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub), and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) to provide access to information from different applications, services, and stores. OData uses URIs  
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
martedì, 08 lug 2014 Ore. 15.25

Send e-mail with attachment & templates

A my short C# script to "send e-mail with attachment & template". Un breve script c# per inviare e-mail con allegato e template usage/utilizzo>> compile a DLL .NET usable on Windos Systems>> compila una DDL .NET e richiamala da Windows Published on MSDN Script Center MY MSDN Script Copy code C#  main functions    -setMail(string parfrom, string par 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
martedì, 08 lug 2014 Ore. 07.08

How-to login in any database (NAV 2013)

"You are not authorized to sign in" ... Run this SQL script to login in any NAV 2013 Database (ex: After Restore) delete from [dbo].[User] delete from [dbo].[Access Control] delete from [dbo].[User Property]     delete from [dbo].[Page Data Personalization] delete from [dbo].[User Default Style Sheet] delete from [dbo].[User Metadata] delete from [dbo].[User Personalization]  
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
martedì, 08 lug 2014 Ore. 07.00

Microsoft Community Contributor Award 2014 (MCC) - Dynamics NAV - Award renewed ! 1 YEAR MCC

  il 2 Luglio è stato rinnovato il premio Microsoft Community Contributor Award 2014 (MCC) - Dynamics NAV ! Microsoft Dynamics NAV MCC & NAV Expert Award, 2014 (MCC)  Grazie Microsoft !!!   
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
sabato, 05 lug 2014 Ore. 08.09
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