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MSDN BLOG - NAV Web Services Test

NAV 2009 - Sample C# project to consume a NAV web service This post is a step-by-step guide, how to make a very simple C# project (3 lines of code) to integrate to NAV 2009 via a web service.   MDSN NAV Team BLOG   
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
martedì, 31 mag 2011 Ore. 15.21

Rimuovere SPN con SETSPN -D

Logged as the domain Administrator, if I request the list option for theuser indeed Lista SPN setspn -L {AD username} HOST/{AD username}HOST/{AD username}.{Domain}MSSQLSvc/{AD username}.{Domain}:1433The SETSPN tool also provides an option to remove the SPN assigned to theuser Rimozione SPN setspn -D SPN {username}setspn -D {Domain DC hostname} {username}setspn -D HOST {username}setspn -D MSSQLSvc {username} 
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martedì, 31 mag 2011 Ore. 09.18

MY Dynamicsuser BLOG  
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Categoria: Community & Forums
venerdì, 27 mag 2011 Ore. 10.03

Enabling the Object Change Listener

To enable the Object Change Listener, follow these steps: To enable and assign minimum permissions for the Object Change Listener 1.       Open SQL Server Management Studio. and then connect to your SQL Server instance. 2.       On the File menu, point to New, and then click Query with Current Connection. 3.       Type the following SQL statements. Copy USE MASTER CREATE LOGIN [ReplaceWithNAVServerAc 
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Categoria: News Events
martedì, 17 mag 2011 Ore. 17.24


1) installare "Windows Support Tools" (contiene file SETSPN)> crea cartella con tools tra cui SPN File (scaricare da Microsoft) 2) SQL DELEGATION , PORT & SERVICE > "To delegate access to the SQL Server service" setspn -A MSSQLSvc/SQL NAME:1433 DOMAIN\user       > accesso a porta SQL 1433 setspn -A MSSQLSvc/SQL NAME DOMAIN\user         > delega a login utente su sql, SQL full Qualify Name 3) NAV Server Delegatio 
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martedì, 17 mag 2011 Ore. 17.23

NAV 2009 SP1, R2, Multiple Service Tiers Config

Right around the release of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009, I wrote a blog entry with some .bat files on how to create multiple Service Tiers when working with NAV 2009. Now NAV 2009 SP1 is about to be released, it is time for a small update. One of the files of the package is a CustomSettings.template file, which really is just the CustomSettings.config with a few values replaced with variable names, so that we can replace those automagically. Now in SP1, the CustomSettings.config has changed –  
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lunedì, 16 mag 2011 Ore. 10.35

Microsoft Security Scanner

Si ritiene che il PC abbia un virus? Microsoft Safety Scanner è uno strumento di protezione scaricabile gratuitamente che offre funzionalità di analisi su richiesta e consente di rimuovere virus, spyware e altro malware. Funziona con il software antivirus esistente. Nota: Microsoft Safety Scanner scade 10 giorni dopo il download. Per eseguire nuovamente un'analisi con le ultime definizioni antimalware, scaricare ed eseguire di nuovo Microsoft Safety Scanner. Microsoft Safety Scanner non sosti 
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Categoria: Community & Forums
domenica, 15 mag 2011 Ore. 00.28

Compattare il TempDb (annche con transazioni aperte)

Compattare il TempDb  (annche con transazioni aperte)   USE tempdb GO   CHECKPOINT                                                                  &n 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
martedì, 10 mag 2011 Ore. 14.43

ora anche su Microsoft Technet !

Ora anche su Microsoft Technet ! 
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Categoria: Community & Forums
lunedì, 09 mag 2011 Ore. 23.53

2 Motori di ricerca Microsoft  
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Categoria: Community & Forums
venerdì, 06 mag 2011 Ore. 11.20

TempDb is full

TempDb is fullCome liberare lo spazio quando il TempDB è pieno. Errrore windows registry > Source: MSSQLSERVER Event ID: 17052 Description: The log file for database 'tempdb' is full. Back up the transaction log for the database to free up some log space TempDb Verifica spazio occupato dalle tabelle temporanee USE tempdb GO EXEC sp_spaceused  The following should give you some clues as to which table(s) consume most of the space in the data file(s) this will help you narrow down any 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
venerdì, 06 mag 2011 Ore. 09.30


Categoria: Community & Forums
mercoledì, 04 mag 2011 Ore. 10.03

MVP Open Days, nuova brochure : "" c'è !

Categoria: Community & Forums
martedì, 03 mag 2011 Ore. 23.56
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