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Auditing with SQL Profiler

interessantissimo articolo sull' audit con Sql Profiler "SQL Server 2005 has some new tools and views that can help out in a pinch but what about all of us still using SQL Server 2000 either because of compatibility or budget restraints or any other reason. In this article we’ll walk through a solution that has been implemented on servers that are SOX Compliant and servers where the developers just have too much access for a DBA's piece o 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
giovedì, 16 lug 2009 Ore. 11.23

Screencast: Tutorial su SQL Server 2008

Da Ugiss Screencast Tutorial su SQL Server 2008   Incontro 16 Giugno Torino Sql 2005 to Sql 2008   
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
lunedì, 13 lug 2009 Ore. 15.15

Controllo MDAC per evitare Deadlocks

Versione MDAC da controllare per Deadlocks utilizzare una versione con versione maggiore della 2.82.3959.0, --> cioè MDAC > MDAC versione 2.82.3959.0 risolve problemi di deadlock con Nav 4.0SP3, 5.0, 5.0SP1, 2009       
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
lunedì, 13 lug 2009 Ore. 09.08

Debugging Dynamic NAV - WIKI

Debugging Dynamic NAV - WIKI  There are two ways you can go about debugging in Microsoft Dynamics NAV: Debugging the Classic client: By using a debugger built into the C/SIDE development environment of the Classic client, it is possible to debug business logic contained in all kinds of objects except pages. Debugging the Service Tier: To address the limitation of the Classic clients in respect to debugging page objects, you can use Microsoft Visual Studio to debug the Service Tie 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
giovedì, 09 lug 2009 Ore. 12.01
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