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ELIMINARE MENU' REPARTI NAV 2009  Per togliere menu reparti> avviare l'RTC da CMD con il parametro di configurazione desiderato (ruolo):Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure -profile:"AR ADMINISTRATOR "      RUOLI DA CUI TOGLIERE MENU REPARTIAR ADMINISTRATORACCOUNTING MANAGER AP COORDINATOR ....nascondere il menu "REPARTI"> reparti > personalizza riquadro spostamento > selezione icona reparti > click tatso ELIMINAil menu viene elimininatoPER RI 
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domenica, 13 lug 2014 Ore. 22.20

Accessing Objects in Other Databases or on Linked Servers

Accessing Objects in Other Databases or on Linked Servers  You can access objects outside the current database or server from Microsoft Dynamics NAV by linking to an appropriately defined view in the current database. You can create a view definition outside of Microsoft Dynamics NAV that accesses data on SQL Server linked servers, which can access heterogeneous data sources. This could, for example, involve performing a join of an Oracle table, a Microsoft Office Access table, or a Mic 
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venerdì, 17 mag 2013 Ore. 11.09

Garbage Collector in NAV 2009

Garbage Collector in NAV 2009 Garbage collector in NAV 2009 is set to DISABLED by default. Do not ask me why it is disabled. I do not know. Regardless the value DISABLED, this settings just means that Workstation mode is used for GC. Microsoft NAV team have learned, that by enabling it, you can speed up the NAV Server! Are you asking how you can enable it? It is easy, you need only to add this into the Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.Server.exe.config file: <configuration> <runtime> 
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mercoledì, 06 feb 2013 Ore. 07.50


AZZERARE IMPOSTAZIONI CUSTOM SU PAGE, REPORT E ACTIONS CUSTOM UTENTE NAV 2009per ripristinare i default sia di pagina, ruolo, azioni: > personalizza pagina \ ripristina default > personalizza azioni\ ripristina default > personalizza report \ ripristina default uscire e rientrare in NAV 
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martedì, 22 gen 2013 Ore. 11.21

Impostazione max CPU max 80% performance (ex. 00000050) . "cpuRateLimit"

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Quota System\S-1-5-21-278992790-3398369475-18719871-3512]"CpuRateLimit"=dword:00000050 00000050 ex = 80% CPU    recupero SID UTENTE wmic useraccount get name,sid > c:\temp\file.txt es:  S-1-5-21-278992790-3398369475-18719871-3513 
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lunedì, 14 gen 2013 Ore. 13.00

How to install dynamics nav 2009 in different configurations

Great post about dynamics Nav 2009 configuration scenariosby Peik Bech-Andersen ! nice blog 
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domenica, 13 gen 2013 Ore. 19.09

Dynamics NAV 2009 and additional SPNs

Dynamics NAV 2009 and additional SPNs > Are any additional SPNs required for additional webservice instances, running under the same account, on the same server? (Assume port sharing, if this matters.)  No, Because SPN uniqueness is defined by protocol name, address (and sometime port) and account, you do not need new SPN if all this is same. Chain of trust If you need to be able to pass Kerberos authentication between services, you need to create the chain corr 
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sabato, 12 gen 2013 Ore. 22.50

Configuring the RoleTailored Client - ClientUserSettings.config

Configuring the RoleTailored ClientMicrosoft Dynamics NAV 2013The RoleTailored client is a component of the RoleTailored Architecture in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009.As you run Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Setup, you can provide configuration information for the RoleTailored client. This information is then saved in the ClientUserSettings.config file.A separate instance of the ClientUserSettings.config file is maintained for each client user. On Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP, the locatio 
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sabato, 12 gen 2013 Ore. 22.11


ELIMINARE MENU' REPARTI NAV 2009  Per togliere menu reparti > avviare l'RTC da CMD con il parametro di configurazione desiderato (ruolo):Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure -profile:"AR ADMINISTRATOR "       RUOLI DA CUI TOGLIERE MENU REPARTI AR ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNTING MANAGER AP COORDINATOR .... nascondere il menu "REPARTI"> reparti > personalizza riquadro spostamento > selezione icona reparti > click tatso ELIMINAil menu viene e 
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martedì, 08 gen 2013 Ore. 15.30

Manage Max No. of XML Records to Send Option from RoleTailored Client

Manage Max No. of XML Records to Send Option from RoleTailored Client (with .NET Interop) Microsoft With NAV 2009 R2 it is now possible to set how many XML records to send to RoleTailored Client (RTC), bypassing the previous hardcoded limitation of 5000 records. This could be done by installing platform hotfix KB 2492490 Build no. 32146 or higher.$EN-US$2492490&wa=wsignin1.0 I just would like to explain how this Hot 
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martedì, 04 dic 2012 Ore. 14.38

Debugging in NAV 2009

Debugging in NAV 2009 Great Post!UPDATE!!! Debugging is not available in the Marketing Beta, so if you have access to a later build you can try this out. If not you will have to wait for RTM. Also note that SP1 for either Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008 is required.    In this post I will give you a example on how to debug in NAV 2009. 1. EnableDebugging in CustomSettings.config found here:  
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domenica, 11 nov 2012 Ore. 12.07

NAV Web Services Connectivity Samples (from Freddy Blog)

NAV Web Services Connectivity Samples (from Freddy Blog)> The Service Tear> Debugging in NAV 2009Web Services Infrastructure and how to Create an Internal Proxy to NAV Web Services from C# using Web Reference to NAV Web Services from Vis 
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domenica, 11 nov 2012 Ore. 10.18

Permissions for Sample Roles for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009

Partner Tools available for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009Permissions for Sample Roles for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 contains information about which objects (table data) each role can access within the database and the roles equals Role Centers (User Profiles) in the RoleTailored client. These sample permissions can be used as a starting point when setting up permissions for the specific Role Centers. Please note that the permissions will not be sufficient in all cases and should be customiz 
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sabato, 13 ott 2012 Ore. 11.55

Web Services : come esportare con DOM un XML in BigText

Web Services : come esportare con DOM un XML in  BigText   Per importare xml da nav  Testfile = File TestStream = INSTREAM XMLPORTPIPPO = XMLPORT    TestFile.CREATE('C:\XML-Test\XML Import\Import.xml');TestFile.CREATEINSTREAM(TestStream);XMLPORTPIPPO.IMPORT(74300, TestStream);TestFile.CLOSE;    Per esportare xml da nav  Testfile = File TestStream = OUSTREAM XMLPORTPIPPO = XMLPORT   TestFile.CREATE('C:\XML-Test\XML Import\Impo 
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martedì, 02 ott 2012 Ore. 16.18

Object Listener

/* Permessi a schema Object Listener per utente di Nav Application Server*/ use mastergo   /* se schema non creato da installazione NAV */CREATE SCHEMA [$ndo$navlistener] ALTER USER [_aplprd] WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = [$ndo$navlistener] USE [Demo Database NAV (6-0)] GRANT SELECT ON [Object Tracking] TO [_aplprd]; 
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mercoledì, 29 feb 2012 Ore. 12.21

NAV 2009 Trusted Delegation over SQL Server Cluster Scenario

Scenario: > Configuring a NAV 2009 three levels architecture using an SQL Server Failover Cluster infrastructure Operations: > To use RTC Clients and WS Services on three levels configuration on SQL Server Cluster Scenario  ->  it 's necessary to add ALL delegations to any Virtual Cluster Definition and on any Phiscial Cluster Node. > in this case : making a delegation on user "_cluSQL" --> user is used for SQL Service, WS Services, NAS Services > Create a M 
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mercoledì, 23 nov 2011 Ore. 16.06

Web Seminar Iron NAV

Web Seminar Iron NAV, mercoledì 16 novembre · 15.00 - 16.00 Altea presenta Iron-NAV, la Soluzione creata per le Rubinetterie, le aziende del Valvolame e dei manufatti in metallo.Altea ti invita a seguire il WebSeminar di approfondimento della Soluzione Iron-NAV, il gestionale/ERP frutto di oltre 10 anni di esperienza in aziende del settore manifatturiero.Iron-Nav è il Verticale per Microsoft Dynamics NAV che ti assicura una gestione integrata della tua azienda e che ti permette di ev...idenzi 
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lunedì, 07 nov 2011 Ore. 16.53

NAV 2009, how to see if "a file" is locked

SETSTAMP(filename,newdate,newtime)if SETSTAMP(filename,newdate,newtime) then   begin      ........        endto see if the file is locked. and wait till it is released. but in a sense you are making the file be your semaphore.I would rather use events, send email, create separate files for each connection.afterward at the end of the have a processing that will combine the files. 
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martedì, 27 set 2011 Ore. 11.47

NAV 2009 - Modifica di database - Scheda Avanzate

  Nella scheda "avanzate" sono contenute le impostazioni relative alla gestione dei locks sulle tabelle (pagine o riga) del database Blocco > Timeout di Blocco: consente di specificare se una sessione dovrà attendere prima di impostare un blocco su una risorsa già  bloccata da un'altra sessione. > Durata Timeout (sec.): consente di specificare l'intervallo di tempo massimo che una sessione dovrà  attendere prima di impostare un blocco su una risorsa già  bloccat 
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mercoledì, 21 set 2011 Ore. 16.19

“Una configurazione tipo di NAV 2009 R2 & SQL SERVER 2005 32BIT”

WINDOWS 32BIT & SQL SERVER CONFIGURATION “Una configurazione tipo di NAV 2009 R2 & SQL SERVER 2005 32BIT”   WINDOWS 2003 32BIT Ø  Boot.ini >   devono esserci i parametri /PAE /AWE     > abilitano estesioni ram base < 2Gb windows ed attivano memoria estesa per SQL; su server 64Bit l’utilizzo ram è automatico (per win & sql) SQL SERVER PROPRIETA’ SERVER Ø  MEMORIA DISPONIBILE teorica al boot per sql > 40GB   Ø  
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mercoledì, 21 set 2011 Ore. 14.58
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