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Accessing Objects in Other Databases or on Linked Servers

Accessing Objects in Other Databases or on Linked Servers 

You can access objects outside the current database or server from Microsoft Dynamics NAV by linking to an appropriately defined view in the current database. You can create a view definition outside of Microsoft Dynamics NAV that accesses data on SQL Server linked servers, which can access heterogeneous data sources. This could, for example, involve performing a join of an Oracle table, a Microsoft Office Access table, or a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet.

To access objects in other databases or on linked servers you must comply with the following rules:

  • You must set the LinkedInTransaction table property to No in order to use a view referring to objects outside of the current database. The ability to modify data in these objects is dependent on the data providers that the objects refer to.

  • You must be a member of the db_owner fixed database role in the current database to access objects in other databases or on linked servers.

  • All security permissions for objects in another database or on linked servers must be granted outside Microsoft Dynamics NAV to the appropriate SQL Server logins.

  • If a linked object refers to a view that accesses objects that are stored in another database on the same server, this view must be treated as though it were accessing a linked server.

  • MSDN Link
  • -
venerdì, 17 mag 2013 Ore. 11.09

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