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Garbage Collector in NAV 2009

Garbage Collector in NAV 2009

Garbage collector in NAV 2009 is set to DISABLED by default. Do not ask me why it is disabled. I do not know. Regardless the value DISABLED, this settings just means that Workstation mode is used for GC. Microsoft NAV team have learned, that by enabling it, you can speed up the NAV Server! Are you asking how you can enable it? It is easy, you need only to add this into the

Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.Server.exe.config file:

<gcServer enabled="true"/>

It is standard Dot.NET config parameter.  

What I have noticed when I just googled this parameter, that it could (and probably would) raise memory consumption of the process.  Based on the comment from Per, the difference is, that Server GC will be used instead workstation GC, which means separate threads on highest priority for the GC, instead running GC in context of user thread. And this means using all available CPU cores etc. and this leads to better performance when doing GC, because during GC run the threads are suspended.

Please, post into comments your experience with this setting.

I want to thank to Michael Nielsen for this info…

Published Tue, Apr 24 2012 22:10
by kine 
mercoledì, 06 feb 2013 Ore. 07.50

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