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@MSDynNAVSupport Providing Info and Support to our Microsoft Dynamics NAV Partners & Customers. Microsoft Dynamics: Built for any device, anywhere. Built for you. #MSDynNAV 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
giovedì, 04 set 2014 Ore. 21.54

NAV Tech Days 2014, 20 & 21 november 2014 Antwerp Belgium

NAV Tech Days 2014, 20 & 21 november 2014 "When you Are passionate About Microsoft Dynamics NAV…" many friends will be there..     Location Kinepolis Event Center, Groenendaallaan 394, 2030 Antwerp (Belgium) Sessions Schedule Speakers Register Now !   ...great session ! "NAV 2 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
sabato, 26 lug 2014 Ore. 09.28

Open PDF File from NAV

Open PDF File from NAV NAV OLD RELEASES Shell Application GLobal Dim Globals: myShell Automation 'Windows Script Host Object Model'.WshShell Create(myShell);MyShell.Run('AcroRd32.exe /A "search=searchString" '"c:\test.pdf"');Clear(myShell);   NAV 2009  AND 2013 RELEASE Direct callingHYPERLINK ('C:\temp\test.pdf') ... very simple !!!!  
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
martedì, 15 lug 2014 Ore. 00.56

Send e-mail with attachment & templates

A my short C# script to send e-mail with attachment & template (published on MDSN TechNet - Script Center)>>  compile a DLL .NET usable on Windos Systems>> compila una DDL .NET e richiamala da Windows - main functions  - setMail(string parfrom, string parto, string parcc, string parsubject, string partextmessage, 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
domenica, 13 lug 2014 Ore. 23.03

Impostazione max CPU max 80% performance (ex. 00000050) . "cpuRateLimit"

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Quota System\S-1-5-21-278992790-3398369475-18719871-3512]"CpuRateLimit"=dword:0000005000000050 ex = 80% CPU   recupero SID UTENTEwmic useraccount get name,sid > c:\temp\file.txtes:  S-1-5-21-278992790-3398369475-18719871-3513 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
domenica, 13 lug 2014 Ore. 22.18


// KILL SQL INACTIVE SESSIONS FOR NAV APPLICATIONS// ONLY FOR SLEEPING SESSIONS a very Simple SQL Stored Procedure to 'kill' sql inactive sessionsidle (sleeping) for 10 minutes related to "Nav Client" applications  *** it's necessary to identify correct "application name" ****** ex: program_name LIKE N'%NAV client% *** or %NAV Web% Stored Procedure Script DECLARE @v_spid INTDECLARE c_Users CURSOR   FAST_FORWARD FOR   SELECT SPID   FROM master..sysprocesses  
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
sabato, 12 lug 2014 Ore. 20.24

NAV 2009 Vs NAV 2013 Web Services (WS) Technology

NAV 2009 Vs NAV 2013 Web Services (WS) Technology  NAV 2009 Security for Web Services (WS) in NAV 2009 is managed by using Windows Authentication. This is the reason access to NAV 2009 Web Services requires the user to log into a domain and be a valid Windows Login in NAV. Consequently, this is also why the user accessing the Web Services URL receives a login prompt when the SPNs/delegation is not setup properly. All the SPN/delegation setup allows the NAV Service (either RTC o 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
giovedì, 10 lug 2014 Ore. 23.05

Unicode Support from NAV 310 to NAV 2009

Unicode Support from NAV 3.10 to NAV 2009 Microsoft Issues- The double-byte character set, code page ‘XXX’ à (ex: 932 Japanese), is not supported by this version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV: Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 4.0, Microsoft Business Solutions–Navision 3.70, Navision Attain 3.6, or Navision Attain 3.10. -   Supported only on NAV 2013, native support Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) code page error when y 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
venerdì, 31 mag 2013 Ore. 15.51

Errore 1935: "si è verificato un errore durante l'installazione del componente assembly"

Messaggio di errore quando si installa Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 Service Pack 1: "Errore 1935: si è verificato un errore durante l'installazione del componente assembly" Quando si installa Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 Service Pack 1 (SP1), viene visualizzato il seguente messaggio di errore: Errore 1935: Si è verificato un errore durante l'installazione del componente assembly {98CB24AD-52FB-DB5F-A01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}. HRESULT: 0X800736CC.   Risoluzione Per risolvere questo problema, 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
martedì, 30 apr 2013 Ore. 09.01

NAV 2009 Vs NAV 2013 Web Services (WS) Technology

NAV 2009 Vs NAV 2013 Web Services (WS) Technology NAV 2009 Security for Web Services (WS) in NAV 2009 is managed by using Windows Authentication. This is the reason access to NAV 2009 Web Services requires the user to log into a domain and be a valid Windows Login in NAV. Consequently, this is also why the user accessing the Web Services URL receives a login prompt when the SPNs/delegation is not setup properly. All the SPN/delegation setup allows the NAV Service (either RTC or WS) to authe 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
giovedì, 14 feb 2013 Ore. 12.40

NAS Error: MMC could not create the snap-in - Navision Application Server Error

NAS Error: MMC could not create the snap-in -  Navision Application Server Error it's necessary to install:. net framework 4.0 . Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)Launch NAS Console and worksa 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
giovedì, 06 dic 2012 Ore. 10.26

Using "REPETEABLE READ" isolation level witn NAV

FOR RELEASE NAV 4.0 SP3 , NAP 5.0SP1, NAV 2009 & NAV 2013 Microsoft Dynamics NAV has had multiple changes to the underlying code in order to optimize performance of NAV on SQL Server. The chart below shows the changes by version. REPEATABLEREAD In order to use the REPEATABLEREAD, changes are needed after installing the latest hotfix to enable the option. The following information outlines this and should be used ONLY after testing and discussion with your SQL DBA. REPEATABLE READ support 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
giovedì, 18 ott 2012 Ore. 15.50

Launch Nav Client with Parameters (Zup & Authentications)

Create a ".cmd" file or create a launch icon with parameters > Application File > "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Business Solutions\finsql.exe" > Parameters: Server Name, DB Name, ZUP Path FIles, Authentication, Temp Path   Es: >  "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Business Solutions\finsql.exe" servername=N044\SQL2008R2, database=DB, company=CRONUS, ID=c:\temp\NAV\ZUP\FR\370.ZUP, nettype=tcp,  ntauthentication=1, temppath=c:\Temp\NAV\ 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
venerdì, 12 ott 2012 Ore. 10.24


// KILL SQL INACTIVE SESSIONS FOR NAV APPLICATIONS// ONLY FOR SLEEPING SESSIONS a very Simple SQL Stored Procedure to 'kill' sql inactive sessionsidle (sleeping) for 10 minutes related to "Nav Client" applications  *** it's necessary to identify correct "application name" ****** ex: program_name LIKE N'%NAV client% *** or %NAV Web% Stored Procedure Script DECLARE @v_spid INTDECLARE c_Users CURSOR   FAST_FORWARD FOR   SELECT SPID   FROM master..sysprocesses  
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
venerdì, 06 lug 2012 Ore. 08.58

Open PDF File from NAV

Open PDF File from NAV NAV OLD RELEASESShell ApplicationGLobal Dim Globals: myShell Automation 'Windows Script Host Object Model'.WshShell Create(myShell);MyShell.Run('AcroRd32.exe /A "search=searchString" '"c:\test.pdf"');Clear(myShell);   NAV 2009  AND 2013 RELEASEDirect callingHYPERLINK ('C:\temp\test.pdf')... very simple !!!!  
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
lunedì, 30 gen 2012 Ore. 17.23

Using ADO & Stored Procedures in C/SIDE

A very interesting issue about "Using ADO & Stored Procedures in C/SIDE" by Eric Wauters (MVP) Recently, I had to do a small project. A client of us wanted to see the global inventory of all its companies. Furthermore, the companies were also spread over multiple databases. They wanted quick answers on questions like "What is the inventory of this item in any location in any company in any database". Now, I'm not going to tell you how I solved the case. I just wanted to highlight some inter 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
mercoledì, 30 nov 2011 Ore. 12.58

NAS, JOBSCHEDULER, problemi di protezione richiamando eseguibili da codeunit

A volte capita che eeguibili o dll senz firma digitale possano non venire lanciati da codeunit schedukate su NAS o JOBSCHEDULER per problemi di firma digitale sulla macchina. in questo caso: da windows > start esegui > digitare msconfig> andare su ultimo tab> aprire "uhc"> impostare "livello basso" di protezione> reboot bingo ! 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
giovedì, 29 set 2011 Ore. 18.13

How To install a NAV Application Server (NAS)

How To install a NAV Application Server (NAS)? A lot of people wonder what needs to be done to install and make work a NAS. In reality it is not so difficult. But if you need to read the manual, it sounds more complicated than it is. This because the manual describes in detail all options and possibilities. This manual describes ONLY the steps I generally take to install a NAS.I already explained it some times to different colleagues how to do it. They take notes and when they need them, they  
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
venerdì, 23 set 2011 Ore. 17.37

MSDN BLOG - NAV Web Services Test

NAV 2009 - Sample C# project to consume a NAV web service This post is a step-by-step guide, how to make a very simple C# project (3 lines of code) to integrate to NAV 2009 via a web service.   MDSN NAV Team BLOG   
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
martedì, 31 mag 2011 Ore. 15.21

Eseguire comandi emulazione tastiera da NAV

Eseguire comandi emulazione tastiera da NAV  Dichiarare variabile automation per Nome                          Tipo                             Sottotipowscript           & 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
lunedì, 08 nov 2010 Ore. 14.16
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