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Microsoft solution to automate backup on SQL Express

Microsoft solution to automate backup on SQL Express(SQL Server Agent is not available on this SQL release)Microsoft Solution Backup.cmd filesqlcmd -U sa -P xxxx -S .\SQL2012EXPRESS -Q "EXEC sp_BackupDatabases @backupLocation = 'C:\SQLBackups\', @backupType = 'F'"You can schedule jobs with standard "Windows Jobs" 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
sabato, 18 apr 2015 Ore. 17.31

Microsoft Dynamics NAV/SQL Server Configuration Recommendations

Microsoft Dynamics NAV/SQL Server Configuration Recommendations...old but VERY GOOD & ACTUAL post about NAV/SQL Configuration by NAV TeamMichael De Voe, a Senior Premier Field Engineer at Microsoft, has compiled a set of recommendations for SQL Server configuration to improve performance when running Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 and later versions with one of the following versions of SQL Server:Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP3 x64Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP1 x64Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 x64& 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
venerdì, 12 set 2014 Ore. 21.53

How to repair a SQL Server "Suspect database"

How to repair a SQL Server "Suspect" database Check DB Sometimes when you connect to your database server, you may find it in suspect mode. Your database server won’t allow you to perform any operation on that database until the database is repaired. A database can go in suspect mode for many reasons like improper shutdown of the database server, corruption of the database files etc. To get the exact reason of a database going into suspect mode can be found using the following 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
martedì, 15 lug 2014 Ore. 00.23

Come visualizzare le 50 query più pesanti - Sql Server

SQL Server - How to show most 50 heavy query (come visualizzare le 50 query più pesanti - Sql Server)... very nice SQL Script to discover slow NAV Sessions !!SQL SCRIPTSELECT TOP 50 SUBSTRING(qt.TEXT, (qs.statement_start_offset/2)+1,((CASE qs.statement_end_offsetWHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(qt.TEXT)ELSE qs.statement_end_offsetEND - qs.statement_start_offset)/2)+1),qs.execution_count,qs.total_logical_reads, qs.last_logical_reads,qs.total_logical_writes, qs.last_logical_writes,qs.total_worker_time 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
martedì, 15 lug 2014 Ore. 00.17

Sql Server reset "db owner" lost on database

Sql Server reset "db owner" lost on database  USE Database exec sp_changedbowner 'sa', true    >> reassign user "sa" on user dbo lost on database   
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
venerdì, 18 gen 2013 Ore. 14.04

Kill sessioni NAV dormienti senza transazioni aperte da piu di 20 minuti

-- Kill sessioni NAV dormienti senza transazioni aperte da piu di 20 minuti USE ER_P DECLARE @v_spid INTDECLARE c_Users CURSORFAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT spid   FROM master..sysprocesses (NOLOCK)   WHERE spid>50      AND (program_name LIKE N'%Microsoft Dynamics NAV%') AND (program_name not like N'%Microsoft Dynamics NAV WEB%')   AND status='sleeping'   AND DATEDIFF(mi,last_batch,GETDATE())>20   AND spid<>@@spid &nbs 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
lunedì, 14 gen 2013 Ore. 12.40

List all processes running on SQL Server

-- List all processes running on SQL Server SELECT [Database]=DB_NAME(dbid), spid, last_batch, status, hostname, loginame FROM sys.sysprocesses WHERE dbid = DB_ID('ER_P');  
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
lunedì, 14 gen 2013 Ore. 11.35

Trasferimento di accessi e password tra istanze di SQL Server

Trasferimento di accessi e password tra istanze di SQL Server Aprire una nuova finestra dell'Editor di Query e quindi eseguire lo script seguente. USE master GO IF OBJECT_ID ('sp_hexadecimal') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE sp_hexadecimal GO CREATE PROCEDURE sp_hexadecimal @binvalue varbinary(256), @hexvalue varchar (514) OUTPUT AS DECLARE @charvalue varchar (514) DECLARE @i int DECLARE @length int DECLARE @hexstring char(16) SELECT @char 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
giovedì, 18 ott 2012 Ore. 16.51

High Performance SQL Views Using WITH(NOLOCK)

High Performance SQL Views Using WITH(NOLOCK) Every now and then you find a simple way to make everything much faster. We often find customers creating data warehouses or OLAP cubes even though they have a relatively small amount of data (a few gigs) compared to their server memory. If you have more server memory than the size of your database or working set, nearly any aggregate query should run in a second or less. In some situations there may be high traffic on from the transactional a 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
giovedì, 18 ott 2012 Ore. 15.51

Come visualizzare le 50 query più pesanti - Sql Server

SELECT TOP 50 SUBSTRING(qt.TEXT, (qs.statement_start_offset/2)+1, ((CASE qs.statement_end_offset WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(qt.TEXT) ELSE qs.statement_end_offset END - qs.statement_start_offset)/2)+1), qs.execution_count, qs.total_logical_reads, qs.last_logical_reads, qs.total_logical_writes, qs.last_logical_writes, qs.total_worker_time, qs.last_worker_time, qs.total_elapsed_time/1000000 total_elapsed_time_in_S, qs.last_elapsed_time/1000000 last_elapsed_time_in_S, qs.last_execution_ti 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
martedì, 14 feb 2012 Ore. 14.04

SQLCMD utility

L'utilità SQLCMD è scritta in .NET 2.0 e comunica con SQL Server via Client SQL Nativo oppure via ODBC. Fornisce un ambiente di scripting ricco di funzionalità (tra cui una primitiva gestione degli errori) in grado di mettere l'utente nelle condizioni di compiere sul server attività di elevata complessità. È uno strumento poliedrico, perchè sia l'amministratore di sistema (per la creazione di script di manutenzione per database o tabelle) sia lo sviluppatore (per la creazione di sofisticati wiz 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
martedì, 25 ott 2011 Ore. 12.17

Designing Reports in Report Designer and Report Builder 3.0

Report Builder and Report Designer Features The following table summarizes differences in the two report authoring environments for typically used features. Area Report Builder 3.0 Report Designer Description Report Builder is a report authoring environment for business users who prefer to work in the Microsoft Office environment. You work with one report at a time. You can modify a published report directly from a report server. You can quickly build a repo 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
lunedì, 24 ott 2011 Ore. 13.34

How to transfer the logins and the passwords between instances of SQL Server

To transfer the logins and the passwords from the instance of SQL Server on server A to the instance of SQL Server on server B, follow these steps: 1. On server A, start SQL Server Management Studio, and then connect to the instance of SQL Server from which you moved the database. 2. Open a new Query Editor window, and then run the following scriptUSE masterGOIF OBJECT_ID ('sp_hexadecimal') IS NOT NULLDROP PROCEDURE sp_hexadecimalGOCREATE PROCEDURE sp_hexadecimal@binvalue varbinary(256),@hexva 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
sabato, 24 set 2011 Ore. 20.57


Well, the "Auto. Create Stats" and also "Auto. Update Stats" could be a real pain; I recommend to disable it. THe sufficiently maintain the required statistics you could implement a SQL Agent Job (or TSQL task for the MP) doing this: use [MyNAVdb]goexec sp_updatestatsgo exec sp_createstats 'indexonly' To get rid of the already existing auto-stats, you could exec this script (part of the NAV/SQL Performance Toolbox) declare @id int, @name varchar(128), @statement nvarchar(1000)declare stat 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
mercoledì, 21 set 2011 Ore. 09.48

Install & Config "xp_ndo_enumusergroups", "xp_ndo_enumusersids" NAV SQL extended stored procedures

Install & Config "xp_ndo_enumusergroups", "xp_ndo_enumusersids" NAV SQL extended stored procedures USE master EXEC sp_addextendedproc xp_ndo_enumusergroups, 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Binn\xp_ndo_64.dll' GO GRANT EXECUTE ON [xp_ndo_enumusergroups] TO PUBLIC GO USE master EXEC sp_addextendedproc xp_ndo_enumusersids, 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Binn\xp_ndo_64.dll' GO GRANT EXECUTE ON [xp_ndo_enumusersids] TO PUBLIC GO 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
mercoledì, 31 ago 2011 Ore. 15.13

[Miscrosoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Unspecified error occurred on SQL Server

[Miscrosoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Unspecified error occurred on SQL Server The following ODBC error occurred: Error: [Miscrosoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Unspecified error occurred on SQL Server.Connection may have been terminated by the server. State ID: HY000 Scenario:NAV on SQL Server Problem:Security permissions lost or not loaded Solution> verify free space on Data\Log Disks> compact SQL LOG FILE> restart SQL SERVER (resolve log errors) 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
venerdì, 08 lug 2011 Ore. 11.45

Compattare il TempDb (annche con transazioni aperte)

Compattare il TempDb  (annche con transazioni aperte)   USE tempdb GO   CHECKPOINT                                                                  &n 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
martedì, 10 mag 2011 Ore. 14.43

TempDb is full

TempDb is fullCome liberare lo spazio quando il TempDB è pieno. Errrore windows registry > Source: MSSQLSERVER Event ID: 17052 Description: The log file for database 'tempdb' is full. Back up the transaction log for the database to free up some log space TempDb Verifica spazio occupato dalle tabelle temporanee USE tempdb GO EXEC sp_spaceused  The following should give you some clues as to which table(s) consume most of the space in the data file(s) this will help you narrow down any 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
venerdì, 06 mag 2011 Ore. 09.30

SQL Database MAIL per notifiche Jobs, Stored Procedure per Invio Mail SMTP

Bellissimo articolo su come utilizzare "SQL Database MAIL" per inviare notifiche dei job in esecuzione Complimenti all'autore, articolo veramente ben fatto.   Questo articolo invece + utile per mandare mai via SMTP (basato su stored procedure) Sending Automated Job Email Notifications in SQL Server with SMTP 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
martedì, 12 apr 2011 Ore. 15.23

Porting Database SQL Serrver (da SQL2000 a SQL2008R2)

Porting Database SQL Serrver (da SQL2000 a SQL2008R2) SCENARIOportare un database da SQL2000 a SQL2008 R2:è possibile fare un restore dal formato SQL2000 al formato SQL2008R2, non viene controllata versioningcome avviene invece per versioni più recenti. PASSI DA SEGUIRE1) Prendere un backup del Db 20002) Creare un nuovo db su SQL 2008 R2 tramite "ripristino" TUNING DOPO UPGRADE RELEASEDopo aver eseguito un  restore di un backup SQL Server 2000 su una istanza 2005, 2008 o 2008 R2 seguire  
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
martedì, 15 feb 2011 Ore. 14.45
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