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Send e-mail with attachment & templates

A my short C# script to send e-mail with attachment & template (published on MDSN TechNet - Script Center)


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main functions 
- setMail(string parfrom, string parto, string parcc, string parsubject, string partextmessage, string parpathattach, string parpathtemplate) 
- sendMail() 

Full Script is here:


setMail(string parfrom, string parto, string parcc, string parsubject, string partextmessage, string parpathattach, stringparpathtemplate)

parfrom = MailFrom, parto = MailTo, parcc = Subject, partextmessage = TestMessage, parpathattach = Attachment Path, parpathtemplate = Mail Template Path

SendMail() > invia la mail

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