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Lock Page in Memory policy (for Enabling AWE)

Make sure that the user account the SQL Server service is running
on is added to "Lock Page in Memory policy" of the "User Rights
Assignments" in "Local Security Policy" of the computer.

"Lock Page in Memory policy"  --> Assigning policy

a) Click on Start and choose Programs
b) Choose Administrative Tools, and then select Local
Security Policy.
c) Expand Security Settings
d) Expand Local Policies, and then click User Rights
e) From the screen on the right, right-click Lock pages
in memory,
and then click Security.
f) In the Local Security Policy Setting dialog box, click
g) Click to select the account where the MSSQLSERVER
service is running.
h) Click OK.
i) Restart the SQL Server service.

Enable AWE

k) Start SQL Query Analyzer
l) Use Master from the drop-down list box of database
m) sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 and press F5
(function key F5)
n) RECONFIGURE and press F5 (function key F5)
o) sp_configure 'awe enabled', 1
p) RECONFIGURE and press F5 (function key F5)
r) Stop and Re-start all SQL Services (SQLServer,

Note: Since AWE is a dynamic API, the changes will take place only after
the services are re-started.

11) Make sure the "Working size" is set to 0. If this is not set to 0,
following these commands in SQL Query Analyzer

a) sp_configure 'set working size', 0 and press F5
(function key F5)
b) RECONFIGURE and press F5 (function key F5)

Categoria: Sql Server ALL
venerdì, 07 mar 2008 Ore. 16.04

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