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NAV 2015 First Impressions

NAV 2015 First Impressions  NAV Windows Client...about UI Style in general...  essential... NAV 2013R2 based...  is the same !NAV Web Client... few limitations... the same of NAV 20123R2.. IS "like" Windows client ! Tablet Client... the future is here, Great also on Ipad-mini !  good.Improved Cues... nice... many colors for management & KPI !Device Handling ... mac address reservation and different license  
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2015
sabato, 20 set 2014 Ore. 18.40

NAV 2015.. the time is NOW !!! .. Download IT NOW!

NAV 2015.. the time is NOW !!!         Welcome to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 ! "Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 is a business management solution for small and mid-sized organizations that automates and streamlines business processes. Highly adaptable and rich with features, Microsoft Dynamics NAV enables companies to manage their business, including finance, manufacturing, sales, shipping, project management, services, and more. Companies can easily add funct 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2015
giovedì, 18 set 2014 Ore. 20.34

Dynamics Learning Portal (Beta)

Dynamics Learning Portal (Beta)..very good updated "Learning portal" for partners- Course, video, transcript- Learning Plans, Course Catalog, EventsA VERY GOOD solution for All Dynamics Users!ready for NAV 2015 Have a good training ! 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2015
martedì, 16 set 2014 Ore. 05.57

Microsoft Dynamics NAV/SQL Server Configuration Recommendations

Microsoft Dynamics NAV/SQL Server Configuration Recommendations...old but VERY GOOD & ACTUAL post about NAV/SQL Configuration by NAV TeamMichael De Voe, a Senior Premier Field Engineer at Microsoft, has compiled a set of recommendations for SQL Server configuration to improve performance when running Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 and later versions with one of the following versions of SQL Server:Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP3 x64Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP1 x64Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 x64& 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
venerdì, 12 set 2014 Ore. 21.53

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 Readiness Library

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 Readiness Library & NAV 2015 What's New Many documents about NAV 2015, actually available in Draft Pre-Release & partner confidential status ONLY FOR PARTNERS)  Partnersource Login posts, video, documents ! 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2015
venerdì, 12 set 2014 Ore. 21.36

NAV-lab, President’s Club for MS Dynamics 2014

                                             NAV-lab, President’s Club for MS Dynamics 2014NAV-lab ha ricevuto da Microsoft, per il secondo anno consecutivo, il riconoscimento President's Club for Microsoft Dynamics 2014.Il President's Club 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
venerdì, 05 set 2014 Ore. 13.53


@MSDynNAVSupport Providing Info and Support to our Microsoft Dynamics NAV Partners & Customers. Microsoft Dynamics: Built for any device, anywhere. Built for you. #MSDynNAV 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
giovedì, 04 set 2014 Ore. 21.54

Consolidamento in NAV 2013 (Consolidated Financials Statements) "HOW-TO"

1      Introduzione In questo documento verrà illustrato come consolidare società i cui dati contabili sono salvati in uno o più database in Microsoft Dynamics Nav o in un database esterno. In Microsoft Dynamics Nav consolidare significa combinare i bilanci di due o più società separate in un unico bilancio consolidato. Ogni singola società è chiamata Business Unit e l’azienda creata per combinare i bilanci è detta società consolidata. &nbs 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
lunedì, 01 set 2014 Ore. 16.50
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