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4616: Abilitare Trace Flag Sql Server 2005 per Dynamics NAV 5.0

Per accedere a Microsoft Dynamics NAV con SQL Server 2005 è necessario abilitare il trace flag SQL 4616 (flag a standard spento) Come si fa:I flag di traccia si aggiungono tra i parametri di startup del servizio. Accedere a SQL Server Configuration Manager (SCM) e nella lista dei servizi accedere alle proprietà del servizio SQL Server. Nel tab Advanced, nella sezione Startup Parameters, aggiungere il flag di traccia -4616 facendo attenzione a non rimuovere i parametri esistenti (esistono gi 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
giovedì, 17 mag 2007 Ore. 10.23

Criptare i dati con Sql Server 2005

Per criptare i nostri dati possiamo utilizzare chiavi simmetriche (SYMMETRIC KEYS). Una chiave di questo tipo assicura una protezione molto più elevata rispetto a quella fornita dalle funzioni di T-SQL (come EncryptByPassPhrase). Ecco cosa possiamo utilizzare per rendere più sicuri i nostri dati (tramitre l’algoritmo TRIPLE DES): -- Creare una chiave simmetrica-----------------------------------------------------------------------CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY TestKey WITH ALGORITHM = TRIPLE_DESENCRYP 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
giovedì, 17 mag 2007 Ore. 08.57


DBCC CheckDB (verifica e corregge errori sul db) prerequisiti: attivare DB in SINGLE USER // opzioni di recuperoREPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS (recupero avanzanto)REPAIR_FASTREPAIR_REBUILD ES:DBCC CHECKDB ('MSDB', REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS) // utilizzo tramite ISQL (script sql da lanciare a mano o schedulare tramite script batch)es: Repair MSDBISQL -S <SERVER> -U <USER> -P <PASSWORD>-Q "DBCC CHECKDB ('MSDB', REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS)" 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
mercoledì, 16 mag 2007 Ore. 11.23

Funzione Sql IsZero --> Converte 0 in altro numero

Funzione che converte 0 in altro numero, utile in viste o stored procedures. CREATE FUNCTION IsZero (@Number FLOAT,@IsZeroNumber FLOAT)RETURNS FLOATAS  BEGIN   IF (@Number = 0)    BEGIN      SET @Number = @IsZeroNumber   ENDRETURN (@Number) END es: isZero(<campo>; 1) --> converte o in 1  
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
lunedì, 14 mag 2007 Ore. 12.00

Syncronize Users with Dynamics NAV

When is necessary to run it ? WHEN: 1. modify something in permission settings (permissions, roles, users) 2. add new table 3. change something connected to some SIFT settings (new SumIndexField added etc.)  4. add new users  
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
venerdì, 11 mag 2007 Ore. 01.31

SQL Server Storage Best Practice Top 10

SQL Server Best Practice Top 10 at:   Storage Top 10 Best Practices Proper configuration of IO subsystems is critical to the optimal performance and operation of SQL Server systems. Below are some of the most common best practices that the SQL Server team recommends with respect to storage configuration for SQL Server. Understand the IO characteristics of SQL Server and the specific IO requ 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
giovedì, 10 mag 2007 Ore. 20.28

Lost Windows roles during syncronization process - NAV 4.0 SP3

Case: using NAVISION 4.0 SP3 with SQL database and using windows autentication for db access. I enter windows group and assign roles, then I enter windows user, but I don't enter roles, because they are assigned automatically to user, then I run synchronization, but in my test the user doesn't receive group's roles. Solution: 1. Do not forgot, that the user must be directly member of the win group used. 2. Also, you may want to consider switching back to the 'Standard' security mode 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
giovedì, 10 mag 2007 Ore. 20.20

Maintenance checks for SQL Server

DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR : Maintenance checks for SQL Server (article by Kevin Kline and Baya Pavliashvili) All about Sql data Check, reindex, repair,289483,sid87_gci1112905_tax301327,00.html?adg=301324&bucket=ETA 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
lunedì, 07 mag 2007 Ore. 11.47

SIFT Maintenance for NAV and SQL Server v1.04

When performing transactions in NAV so called SIFT (Sum Index Flowfield Technology ™) tables (SQL Server option only) are used to save aggregated values about Sum Index Fields to be used in FlowFields which are providing these values.Usually many of these SIFT records could contain only “sums” of value zero. These records are not required to provide the FlowField feature in NAV and should be erased periodically to keep the number of records within the SIFT tables as small as possible, to increas 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
domenica, 06 mag 2007 Ore. 10.35

Stored Procedures Estese SQL per Nav Login

Stored Procedures Estese SQL per Nav Login Necessarie per permette a navision di collegarsi al server sql tramite mdac db master\stored procedures estese Creare stored procedure estese: (se si installa anche il db da cd le crea da sole il programma di installazione) xp_ndo_enumusersidsxp_ndo_enumusergroups (x accesso a windows group) collegare entrambe al file xp_ndo.dll assegnare permesso exec a "public". Se si riscontrano problemi di connessione --> verificare la versione de 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
venerdì, 04 mag 2007 Ore. 15.58

Sql Optimization for Dynamics NAV - Part1

Sql Optimization for Dynamics NAV - Part1 White Paper molto interessante (solo per i partner) di Hynek Muhlbaker (Sql Perform) che ho conosciuto 2 anni fa in Microsoft in un corso sul tuning Navision/Sql relativo alla versione 3.70/SQl 2000; ora ripropone le tecniche di tuning in ottica NAV 5.0/SQL 2005 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
venerdì, 04 mag 2007 Ore. 14.26

Navision Title Bar Modification

Actually, there IS a way to change the Navision Title Bar caption, but it's a dirty hack 1. Download the freeware tool cmdow ( 2. Copy this little exe-file in eg. c:\windows\system32 folder on the Client PC's 3. Modify the function CompanyOpen in Codeunit 1: Code: Variables --------- Name        DataType         Subtype                       
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
giovedì, 03 mag 2007 Ore. 12.16

A Bit About 64-bit

A Bit About 64-bit, article about 64bit architecture 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
giovedì, 03 mag 2007 Ore. 10.19

Requisiti di sistema per SQL Server 2005 64 bit

Nota: Le versioni a 64 bit di SQL Server 2005 includono il supporto per sistemi estesi, una tecnologia denominata WOW64 (Windows on Windows). Si tratta di una funzionalità delle edizioni a 64 bit di Microsoft Windows che consente di eseguire le applicazioni a 32 bit in modalità nativa a 32 bit. Le applicazioni funzionano a 32 bit anche se il sistema operativo sottostante viene eseguito sulla piattaforma a 64 bit.   Requisiti minimi Processore IA64 minimo: processor 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
giovedì, 03 mag 2007 Ore. 07.50

Security, Permissions, Synchronization Tips

Security and PermissionsIn previous versions of the SQL Server Option for Navision, you can enter a Windows group in the Windows Login table and assign Navision roles to this group. Any user who is member of this group is assigned these permissions when they log on to the system and open this database.In Navision 4.0 you must enter the Windows group in the Windows Login table and enter the Windows account for each individual user that is a member of that group. You do not need to assign any Navi 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
giovedì, 03 mag 2007 Ore. 07.31

It is possible to connect Navision to SQL servers in 64 bit

Maggie WalkerMicrosoft Online Support Engineer It is possible to connect Navision to SQL servers in 64 bit. Remember that there are 2 different versions: IA64 (Itanium) and X64 (Xeon or AMD). SQL 2005 supports both and SQL 2000 only support IA64. Navision can connect to any of these 32/64 bit. Just use xp_ndo_ia64.dll or xp_ndo_x64.dll on your SQL server instead of hte xp_ndo.dll. Client: Navision 4.01 on 32 bit Windows XP connected to SQL 64 bit on Windows 2003 64 bit   Serv 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
giovedì, 03 mag 2007 Ore. 07.29

Microsoft Dynamics NAV running SQL Server 2000 or 2005 - 64 bit

Microsoft Dynamics NAV running SQL Server 2000 or 2005 - 64 bit Data ultima modifica 26/02/2007 This release makes Windows login possible for  Navision running on SQL Server 2000 or 2005 - 64 bit If you are running on SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005 - 64 bit, you must use a 64 bit version of xp_ndo.dll. To add the extended stored procedure, follow these instructions Download the needed file from the download links below. SQL Server 2000/2005 with IA64 (It 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
mercoledì, 02 mag 2007 Ore. 21.23

Improving Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV 4.0 Scalability and Performance by Using SQL Server 2005

Improving Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV 4.0 Scalability and Performance by Using SQL Server 2005 Data ultima modifica 22/02/2007Registrato 22/02/2007 This paper documents the benchmark results that demonstrate the superior performance and scalability of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 4.0 with SQL Server 2005 when compared to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and the Microsoft Dynamics NAV C/SIDE database. 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
mercoledì, 02 mag 2007 Ore. 21.13

Webcasts for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0

Data ultima modifica 19/02/2007Registrato 12/01/2007 Learn about new functionalities and technology in Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV 5.0. Pick up on SQL optimization for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 and learn how to demo and sell Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0. 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
mercoledì, 02 mag 2007 Ore. 21.10

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 4.0 Database Resource Kit

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 4.0 Database Resource Kit The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Database Resource Kit is a toolbox that is designed to help you fine-tune and troubleshoot your Microsoft Dynamics NAV 4.0 installation. The Performance Troubleshooting Guide and the SQL Server Resource Kit have now been merged to form one set of tools - the Database Resource Kit The Database Resource Kit consists of a number of tools and a manual. This manual contains guidelines and instructions on how to use the too 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
mercoledì, 02 mag 2007 Ore. 21.07
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