RS First Dynamics NAV Blog

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Congratulations on 2011 Presidents Club! Altea è tra i primi partner Microsoft Dynamics a livello mo

  Congratulations on 2011 Presidents Club! Altea è tra i primi partner Microsoft Dynamics a livello mondiale! L'impegno nei confronti dei propri Clienti si riflette nel successo e nella crescita continua del business ed è questa la ricetta che ha condotto Altea verso questo importante traguardo.Altea conquista infatti un posto d'onore all'interno del 2011 President's Club per Microsoft Dynamics: si tratta di un prestigioso riconoscimento che coinvolge solo il 5% dei partner MS Dy 
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mercoledì, 27 lug 2011 Ore. 17.24

Connecting to NAV Web Services from the Cloud

from Freddys Blog, two issues about NAV 2009 Web Services on Cloud   Connecting to NAV Web Services from the Cloud Web Services Infrastructure and how to Create an Internal Proxy 
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sabato, 16 lug 2011 Ore. 23.58

Another Way to use "Command Shell" on NAV

Another Way to use "Command Shell" on NAV Using > 'Windows Script Host Object Model'.WshShell   VARIABILI Name                                              DataType               &nb 
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venerdì, 15 lug 2011 Ore. 10.54

[Miscrosoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Unspecified error occurred on SQL Server

[Miscrosoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Unspecified error occurred on SQL Server The following ODBC error occurred: Error: [Miscrosoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Unspecified error occurred on SQL Server.Connection may have been terminated by the server. State ID: HY000 Scenario:NAV on SQL Server Problem:Security permissions lost or not loaded Solution> verify free space on Data\Log Disks> compact SQL LOG FILE> restart SQL SERVER (resolve log errors) 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
venerdì, 08 lug 2011 Ore. 11.45
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