Dopostback Blog

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    Macromedia Flash Player 7

    Macromedia Flash Player 7 avaible for download!!! Some time before the launch of the new Flash, Macromedia releases a public beta of his famous player. Download here the public beta 
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    Categoria: General
    giovedì, 31 lug 2003 Ore. 14.10

    Troubles on registration engine (again... sic!)

    Problems continue on the registration engine. Sic with my new work i have no much time to spend on Dopostback! :( 
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    Categoria: General
    giovedì, 31 lug 2003 Ore. 14.07

    Troubles on registration engine

    There are problems on the new registration engine, so have patient and do not register for now. 
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    Categoria: General
    sabato, 26 lug 2003 Ore. 08.53

    Blog database rollback

    Sorry for this inconvenience. I did a roolback of my blog's database The new forum is online and work (preeeeeetttttyyy) properly. Enjoy! 
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    Categoria: General
    martedì, 22 lug 2003 Ore. 14.05

    Google war?

    A new pole of web search against Google? Yahoo acquires Overture 
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    Categoria: General
    martedì, 15 lug 2003 Ore. 03.04

    Dart Motif

    DoubleClick and Macromedia launch new rich media product, Dart Motif For flash developer which want to advertise with flash: read more here 
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    Categoria: General
    lunedì, 14 lug 2003 Ore. 10.20

    Dotnethell tips & tricks

    Dotnethell opens a section with tips and tricks about windows and .NET For italian developers (all tips are written in italian language), you can reach it here: 
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    Categoria: General
    mercoledì, 09 lug 2003 Ore. 16.01


    I read the book Microsoft .NET Distributed Applications and i think it was a complementary book, not necessary to beginner. My personal rate: 6,5. I updated the book section now with one of the must for Transact-SQL Developer. Great Book! 
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    Categoria: General
    martedì, 08 lug 2003 Ore. 14.24

    Sephiroth .NET Wiki

    My friend Sephiroth added on his site a Wiki section with some .NET tutorials. Chech out here 
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    Categoria: General
    martedì, 08 lug 2003 Ore. 14.13

    New Search Engine

    I renewed the search engine for website. It is still on beta test, so probably you could enounter some errors. 
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    Categoria: General
    venerdì, 04 lug 2003 Ore. 03.34

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 avaible for Download! Contains important upgrades, as every Service Pack. Download it here 
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    Categoria: General
    venerdì, 04 lug 2003 Ore. 02.34

    Macromedia DRK 4

    Macromedia DRK 4 overview Overview here 
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    Categoria: General
    giovedì, 03 lug 2003 Ore. 14.39

    Registering Problems?

    If anyone experiences troubles in registering on, please let me know about it. Use the error form here 
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    Categoria: General
    giovedì, 03 lug 2003 Ore. 14.36

    Microsoft Exchange 2003

    Microsoft Exchange 2003 is out fot RTM. Three years of test, strict integration with Windows 2003. Check this link for a comparaison of features 
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    Categoria: General
    mercoledì, 02 lug 2003 Ore. 07.06

    PHP 5 beta

    The PHP Project releases the beta of PHP version 5.0.0 Take a look 
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    Categoria: General
    martedì, 01 lug 2003 Ore. 06.30
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