Dopostback Blog

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Blogs Amici will be soon online will be soon online.Now i'm looking for people that want publish their articles or tutorials on my site.If you have one, feel free to contact me. 
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    Categoria: General
    lunedì, 31 mar 2003 Ore. 19.15

    Macromedia releases Communication Server 1.5

    Macromedia releases Communication Server 1.5 
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    Categoria: General
    venerdì, 28 mar 2003 Ore. 10.57

    Hear on Macromedia!

    Hear on Macromedia! Check out Macromedia Central You can develop Macromedia Flash applications people can use both online and offline, right from their desktops. Macromedia Central will help users more easily interact with information on the Internet, and help Macromedia Flash MX developers and designers create, distribute, and sell Macromedia Flash applications. Coming up on Summer 2003! Stay tuned! Smells like a killer app! 
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    Categoria: General
    giovedì, 27 mar 2003 Ore. 15.47

    Sephiroth Image Browser

    Alessandro aka Sephiroth wrote one of the best Rich internet application i have ever seen by using Flash, PHP and Flash Remoting. Absolutely to see! Link >>> 
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    Categoria: General
    mercoledì, 26 mar 2003 Ore. 15.34

    Dopostback is on beta test!

    Dopostback is on beta test! a few firend are testing my engine before it could show to the public! Thanks for your patience! 
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    Categoria: General
    sabato, 22 mar 2003 Ore. 15.59

    A new war has begun

    A new war has begun. Now we only hope that it will be brief. Http:// for instant update. -------------------------------------------- i'm still workin around The new engine works properly and i think to add the new gui soon. 
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    Categoria: General
    giovedì, 20 mar 2003 Ore. 23.45


    XBOX LIVE has been launched on Europe!!!!! Http:// and select your country! 
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    Categoria: General
    venerdì, 14 mar 2003 Ore. 10.45

    Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance

    Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance: another great game for my Xbox Consolle!!!!! Marcello Cerruti is working around interesting project for using Xml and Html for client-side dynamic pages. Go Marcello GO! 
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    Categoria: General
    giovedì, 13 mar 2003 Ore. 11.25

    Sorry for this interface of blogger

    Sorry for this interface of blogger, but i'm working around my new site and i have to test :-) Thanks for your patience :-) I'm working around new webservices' Tutorial. Hope it will be online soon 
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    Categoria: General
    martedì, 11 mar 2003 Ore. 10.51

    Welcome back to

    New DNS' are been propagated. Welcome back to 
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    Categoria: General
    sabato, 08 mar 2003 Ore. 15.52 publish my articles

    Thanks to Stefano Http:// for publishing my tutes translated in italian on his site!Game blog:Steel Battalion, Capcom's produced best game about Mech wars, will be shipped on 28 March in europe!!Zone Of The Enders: the 2nd Runner will be soon on europe.So, see this preview on Amazon America website Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runnersee ya! 
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    Categoria: General
    giovedì, 06 mar 2003 Ore. 11.32

    Thanks to all for feedback!

    Thanks to all for feedback! 1237 unique visitor only yesterday on my tutorials! Soon a translated version of my tutorials will be on Http:// Thanks again! 
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    Categoria: General
    giovedì, 06 mar 2003 Ore. 00.09


    As promised, my new tute is online: check it out 
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    Categoria: General
    lunedì, 03 mar 2003 Ore. 12.53

    Uoload Article

    Soon my article about file upload will be on!!!!I'm writing another tute about regular expression in nowIf you have an idea about a tutorial or an help about, write me 
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    Categoria: General
    lunedì, 03 mar 2003 Ore. 12.03
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