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NAV 2013 Web Client Considerations Scenario

NAV 2013 Web Client Architecture Considerations Scenario NAV WEB CLIENT (BROWSERS ISSUES)The browser must be able to install the Report Viewer ActiveX control to be able to print.Fully Supported:·   Internet Explorer 9 or Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2008 (32-bit or 64-bit editions). Supported with limitations:·   Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012.·   Google Chrome 16 on Windows 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
domenica, 28 ott 2012 Ore. 08.48

le due "S" di Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013

le due S di Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 > Semplicità e Successo per la Tua impresaBologna, 15 Novembre, 2012S2 = Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013La Semplicità è il cuore di Microsoft Dynamics NAV, il Successo è l'arma per aumentare i margini di profitto, competere e vincere in un mercato globale che richiede alle imprese una riorganizzazione interna, la delocalizzazione nei mercati internazionali e la conquista di nuovo business nei paesi emergenti. link evento: 
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Categoria: News Events
venerdì, 19 ott 2012 Ore. 23.26

Certificato corso "Internet History, Tecnology & Security"@Michigan

"Internet History, Tecnology & Security",  Michigan  Dopo 7 test, 3 relazioni wip e mega-esamone finale (25/30) prende il certificato con il punteggio di 106/120 ....  
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Categoria: News Events
giovedì, 18 ott 2012 Ore. 19.10

Trasferimento di accessi e password tra istanze di SQL Server

Trasferimento di accessi e password tra istanze di SQL Server Aprire una nuova finestra dell'Editor di Query e quindi eseguire lo script seguente. USE master GO IF OBJECT_ID ('sp_hexadecimal') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE sp_hexadecimal GO CREATE PROCEDURE sp_hexadecimal @binvalue varbinary(256), @hexvalue varchar (514) OUTPUT AS DECLARE @charvalue varchar (514) DECLARE @i int DECLARE @length int DECLARE @hexstring char(16) SELECT @char 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
giovedì, 18 ott 2012 Ore. 16.51

High Performance SQL Views Using WITH(NOLOCK)

High Performance SQL Views Using WITH(NOLOCK) Every now and then you find a simple way to make everything much faster. We often find customers creating data warehouses or OLAP cubes even though they have a relatively small amount of data (a few gigs) compared to their server memory. If you have more server memory than the size of your database or working set, nearly any aggregate query should run in a second or less. In some situations there may be high traffic on from the transactional a 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
giovedì, 18 ott 2012 Ore. 15.51

Using "REPETEABLE READ" isolation level witn NAV

FOR RELEASE NAV 4.0 SP3 , NAP 5.0SP1, NAV 2009 & NAV 2013 Microsoft Dynamics NAV has had multiple changes to the underlying code in order to optimize performance of NAV on SQL Server. The chart below shows the changes by version. REPEATABLEREAD In order to use the REPEATABLEREAD, changes are needed after installing the latest hotfix to enable the option. The following information outlines this and should be used ONLY after testing and discussion with your SQL DBA. REPEATABLE READ support 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
giovedì, 18 ott 2012 Ore. 15.50

Permissions for Sample Roles for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009

Partner Tools available for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009Permissions for Sample Roles for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 contains information about which objects (table data) each role can access within the database and the roles equals Role Centers (User Profiles) in the RoleTailored client. These sample permissions can be used as a starting point when setting up permissions for the specific Role Centers. Please note that the permissions will not be sufficient in all cases and should be customiz 
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sabato, 13 ott 2012 Ore. 11.55

Launch Nav Client with Parameters (Zup & Authentications)

Create a ".cmd" file or create a launch icon with parameters > Application File > "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Business Solutions\finsql.exe" > Parameters: Server Name, DB Name, ZUP Path FIles, Authentication, Temp Path   Es: >  "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Business Solutions\finsql.exe" servername=N044\SQL2008R2, database=DB, company=CRONUS, ID=c:\temp\NAV\ZUP\FR\370.ZUP, nettype=tcp,  ntauthentication=1, temppath=c:\Temp\NAV\ 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
venerdì, 12 ott 2012 Ore. 10.24

Nav 2013 What's New (Italian)

Novità Tecniche e Funzionali NAV 2013   ARCHITETTURA NAV 2013  - FULL SCHEMA   Sintesi principali  “Goal” Nav 2013  (In giallo le nuove funzionalità \ innovazioni più interessanti) Ø Struttura a 3 livelli semplificata : Client, Server (NAV Central Tier), Database Server (SQL)  ;  vari tipi di client Web, RTC (rimosso il classic client),  il client web ha delle limitazioni, il client Web Cloud è diverso perche si appoggia su framework IE ri 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
martedì, 02 ott 2012 Ore. 20.53

Web Services : come esportare con DOM un XML in BigText

Web Services : come esportare con DOM un XML in  BigText   Per importare xml da nav  Testfile = File TestStream = INSTREAM XMLPORTPIPPO = XMLPORT    TestFile.CREATE('C:\XML-Test\XML Import\Import.xml');TestFile.CREATEINSTREAM(TestStream);XMLPORTPIPPO.IMPORT(74300, TestStream);TestFile.CLOSE;    Per esportare xml da nav  Testfile = File TestStream = OUSTREAM XMLPORTPIPPO = XMLPORT   TestFile.CREATE('C:\XML-Test\XML Import\Impo 
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martedì, 02 ott 2012 Ore. 16.18
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