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      SharePoint Dev Therapy: pillola 2 - CreateFolder

      Seconda pillola della terapia. Oggi è la volta di CreateFolder.
      Questa funzione consente la creazione di una intera struttura di folders all'interno di una lista o di una raccolta documenti.

      CreateFolder richiede due parametri in entrata e restituisce un oggetto di classe SPFolder

      FolderURL = il percorso delle folder da creare nella forma "Folder1/Folder2/Folder3" ed è relativo alla root della lista in cui si vuole creare la struttura di folder 

      SPList = è la lista in cui creare la struttura di folders

      La versione VB.NET

      Public Function CreateFolder(ByVal FolderUrl As String, ByVal SPList As Microsoft.SharePoint.SPList) As SPFolder
      Return Me._CreateFolder(SPList, FolderUrl)
      Catch ex As Exception
      Return Nothing
      End Try
      End Function

      Private Function _CreateFolder(ByVal targetList As SPList, ByVal folderUrl As String) As SPFolder
      If String.IsNullOrEmpty(folderUrl) Then
      Return targetList.RootFolder
      End If
      Dim folder As SPFolder = targetList.ParentWeb.GetFolder(targetList.RootFolder.Url & "/" & folderUrl)
      If (Not folder.Exists) Then
      If (Not targetList.EnableFolderCreation) Then
      targetList.EnableFolderCreation = True
      End If
      Dim folders() As String = folderUrl.Trim("/"c).Split("/"c)
      Dim folderPath As String = String.Empty
      For i As Integer = 0 To folders.Length - 1
      Me.GetValidFileOrFolderName(folders(i), "_")
      folderPath &=
      "/" & folders(i)
      folder = targetList.ParentWeb.GetFolder(targetList.RootFolder.Url & folderPath)
      If (Not folder.Exists) Then
      Dim newFolder As SPListItem = targetList.Items.Add("", SPFileSystemObjectType.Folder, folderPath.Trim("/"c))
      folder = newFolder.Folder
      End If
      Next i
      End If
      If folder Is Nothing Then
      Throw New SPException(String.Format("The folder '{0}' could not be found.", folderUrl))
      End If
      Return folder
      End Function

      Private Function GetValidFileOrFolderName(ByRef path As String, Optional ByVal replacementChar As Char = "_") As Boolean
      Dim illegalPathChars As New RegularExpressions.Regex("^\.|[\x00-\x1F,\x7B-\x9F,"",#,%,&,*,/,:,<,>,?,\\]+|(\.\.)+|\.$", RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Compiled)
      If path Is Nothing Then
      Return False
      End If
      path = illegalPathChars.Replace(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path.Trim()), replacementChar.ToString())
      If path.Length > 128 Then
      path = path.Substring(0, 128)
      Return GetValidFileOrFolderName(path, replacementChar)
      End If
      Return path.Length > 0
      End Function

      E la versione C#

      public SPFolder CreateFolder(string FolderUrl, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPList SPList)
      return this._CreateFolder(SPList, FolderUrl);
      catch (Exception ex)
      return null;

      private SPFolder _CreateFolder(SPList targetList, string folderUrl)
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderUrl))
      return targetList.RootFolder;
      SPFolder folder = targetList.ParentWeb.GetFolder(targetList.RootFolder.Url +
      "/" + folderUrl);
      if (!folder.Exists)
      if (!targetList.EnableFolderCreation)
      targetList.EnableFolderCreation =
      string[] folders = folderUrl.Trim('/').Split('/');
      string folderPath = string.Empty;
      for (int i = 0; i < folders.Length; i++)
      string temppath1 = folders[i];
      this.GetValidFileOrFolderName(ref temppath1, '_');
      folders[i] = temppath1;
      folderPath +=
      "/" + folders[i];
      folder = targetList.ParentWeb.GetFolder(targetList.RootFolder.Url + folderPath);
      if (!folder.Exists)
      SPListItem newFolder = targetList.Items.Add(
      "", SPFileSystemObjectType.Folder, folderPath.Trim('/'));
      folder = newFolder.Folder;
      if (folder == null)
      throw new SPException(string.Format("The folder '{0}' could not be found.", folderUrl));
      return folder;

      private bool GetValidFileOrFolderName(ref string path)
      return GetValidFileOrFolderName(ref path, '_');

      private bool GetValidFileOrFolderName(ref string path, char replacementChar)
      RegularExpressions.Regex illegalPathChars =
      new RegularExpressions.Regex("^\\.|[\\x00-\\x1F,\\x7B-\\x9F,\",#,%,&,*,/,:,<,>,?,\\\\]+|(\\.\\.)+|\\.$", RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Compiled);
      if (path == null)
      return false;
      path = illegalPathChars.Replace(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path.Trim()), replacementChar.ToString());
      if (path.Length > 128)
      path = path.Substring(0, 128);
      return GetValidFileOrFolderName(ref path, replacementChar);
      return path.Length > 0;

      Categoria: Sharepoint
      martedì, 12 ott 2010 Ore. 21.16
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