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Guide e tutorial di Painter: i grandi maestri insegnano
Ancora non sono riuscita a studiare questi tutorial scritti da grandi artisti e maestri di Painter, ma li segno qui a beneficio mio e di chi vuole cimentarsi nell'arte della grafica computerizzata Cher Threinen-Pendarvis
Sketching with Pencils, Charcoal, and Pastels (.pdf, 233 KB)
Sketching and Drawing with the Pens (.pdf, 780 KB)
Coloring a Drawing Using Digital Water Color (.pdf, 488 KB)
John Derry
Visual Guide to Water Color (.pdf, 476 KB)
Visual Guide to Liquid Ink (.pdf, 1 MB)
Visual Guide to Tinting (.pdf, 1 MB)
Visual Guide to Digital Water Color (.pdf, 223 KB)
Karen Sperling - Happy Blendings in Corel Painter
Jeremy Sutton - Transforming a Photograph into a Painting with Corel Painter 8
Helen Yancy - Creating wonderful painted portraits Marilyn Sholin - Corel® Painter® 8.1: Making the most of Scripts Carol Laing
Corel Painter 8: The New Digital Watercolor
Making Mosaics with Corel Painter 8.1
Buon lavoro ;-)
giovedì, 20 lug 2006 Ore. 11.55
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