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Spostare i database di Sybari Antigen

Se attivate la quarantena di MS Sybari Antigen vedrete lo spazio sul disco in cui è installato Antigen (tipicamente il disco C) ridursi rapidamente.

Ecco come fare per spostare i database di Antigen su un altro disco senza troppi problemi.

Moving the Databases
Administrators can move the Quarantine database, but when doing so, all the related databases must be moved as well for the Quarantine to function properly. Follow the steps below to move Quarantine.mdb and associated databases and files:
1. Create a new folder in a new location (for example - C:\Moved Quarantine)
2. Stop Exchange and any Antigen services that might still be running after the Exchange is brought down.
3. Copy the Quarantine folder from the Antigen Install folder into the folder created in step 1. (This makes a folder called c:\Moved Quarantine\Quarantine).
4. Move ProgramLog.txt, Incidents.mdb, AntigenHRLog.txt, and all .adb files to the new location (C:\Moved Quarantine)
5. Change the path in the "DatabasePath" registry key (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Sybari Software/Antigen) to point to the new Quarantine folder location.
6. Restart the Exchange Services.
Categoria: Exchange
venerdì, 17 nov 2006 Ore. 22.22

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