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Lo script per il disclaimer in VB non funziona

Se avete applicato la KB 317680 ( http://support.microsoft.com/kb/317680/en-us ) per aggiungere un disclaimer alle vostre email in uscita il testo non viene applicato se si utilizza un client MAPI (es MS Outlook 2000) per l'invio, questo perchè il sistema che aggiunge il testo opera a livello di SMTP.

Per risolvere si può seguire quanto indicato qui sotto ossia creare un secondo SMTP e girare su questo i messaggi dall?SMTP di default, a questo punto i messaggi passano anche se inviati da un client MAPI da un servizio SMTP.

PRB: SMTP Transport Event OnArrival Does Not Fire For MAPI Messages (Q288756)

The information in this article applies to:

l Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server

l Microsoft Windows versions 2000 , 2000 SP1 , 2000 SP2 , Server

l Microsoft Windows versions 2000 , 2000 SP1 , 2000 SP2 , Professional

l Microsoft Windows versions 2000 , 2000 SP1 , 2000 SP2 , Advanced Server


The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Transport Event is used to modify mail as it passes through the SMTP service. Mail that is sent by using a MAPI client, such as Outlook, does not maintain these modifications.


When mail triggers the SMTP Transport Event, messages that are submitted by using MAPI are not in SMTP format. Therefore, changes that are made by the event's code are not persisted.


To resolve this problem, create and configure a second SMTP virtual server and route all messages from the first SMTP virtual server to the second virtual server. Then register your SMTP Transport Event on the second SMTP virtual server. This ensures that when the SMTP Transport Event fires, the message is in SMTP format.

In the following steps, you create a second SMTP virtual server, which listens on TCP port 26 and sends on TCP port 25. The default SMTP virtual server now listens on port 25 and sends externally on TCP port 26, which is being monitored by the second SMTP virtual server. In essence, any mail that comes through should come in to your default SMTP virtual server. If the mail is to be delivered internally, it is delivered by the default SMTP virtual server and is not passed on to the second SMTP virtual server. If the mail needs to be delivered externally, the default SMTP virtual server passes it to the second SMTP virtual server.

1. Open the Exchange System Manager and browse to the SMTP folder. This folder should be located at First Administrative Group/Servers/Server Name/Protocols/SMTP.

2. Right-click the folder, click New , and then click SMTP Virtual Server .

3. Type a name for the server, then click Next . For the IP address, select All Unassigned and then click Finish . A dialog box warns you that the server will not start because of conflicting IP addresses and ports. You can ignore this warning. Click Yes to continue.

4. Right-click each SMTP virtual server and click Stop .

5. Right-click the default SMTP virtual server and click Properties .

6. On the Delivery tab, click Advanced . In the text box for Smart Host, type the fully-qualified domain name as it appears in the textbox directly above the Smart host textbox, and then click OK . On the Delivery tab, click Outbound connections . In the TCP port text box, type 26 , and then click OK . Click OK to close this dialog box.

7. Right-click the other SMTP virtual server that you created and click Properties . On the General tab, click Advanced and select All Unassigned . Click Edit , change the TCP port to 26, and then click OK . Click OK again, and then click OK to close this dialog box.

8. Right-click each SMTP virtual server and click Start .

9. Register the event on the second SMTP virtual server. To do this, use the following command:

cscript smtpreg.vbs /add 2 OnArrival SampleOnArrivalEvent SampleSMTPEvent.TransportEventInterface "mail from=*"

Note that the 2 after "/add" tells the script to register the event on the second SMTP virtual server. Normally this parameter is 1, for the first SMTP virtual server.


This behavior is by design.


Published Apr 23 2001 8:50AM Issue Type kbprb

Last Modifed Feb 25 2002 6:16AM Additional Query Words

Keywords kbMsg kbGrpDSMsg kbDSupport


Categoria: Exchange
venerdì, 12 gen 2007 Ore. 22.51

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