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Windows Vista: Aggiornamenti per IE7

Sono stati rilasciati degli aggiornamenti, per Windows Vista, volti a risolvere alcuni problemi con Internet Explorer 7. Ecco i tre aggiornamenti:

KB933228 - Install this update to resolve an issue where a user may receive a "Page can not be displayed" error message when using Internet Explorer 7 to access a web server configured to use OpenSSL.

KB932385 - Install this update to resolve an issue where CGI applications that set multiple instances of a response header in Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 do not work as expected.

KB939786 - Install this update to resolve an issue where the system cannot listen for HTTP traffic when a non-administrator user starts an application.

Probabilmente questi aggiornamenti non saranno resi disponibili su Windows Update, quindi conviene scaricarli ed installarli manualmente.

Ciao ciao

Categoria: Windows Vista
mercoledì, 26 set 2007 Ore. 10.46

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