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Windows Search v4: Ecco la versione definitiva

Ecco finalmente la versione 4 di Windows Search, il sistema di ricerca per le piattaforme Windows. Ecco le novità presenti in questa nuova versione:

• Support for indexing encrypted documents of local file systems
• Reduced affect on Microsoft Exchange when you index e-mail in online mode, and there is no local cache (.ost) 
• Support for indexing online delegate mailboxes
• Support for client-to-client remote query to shared indexed locations 
• Improved indexing performance
• Faster previewer updates for Windows XP
• Per-user Group Policy settings
• Windows software updates for Watson errors
• Support for the following new enterprise Group Policy objects:

Computer policies
• Prevent adding Universal Naming Convention (UNC) locations to index from Control Panel
• Prevent customizing indexed locations in Control Panel
• Prevent automatically adding shared folders to the index
• Allow for indexing of encrypted files
• Disable indexer back-off
• Prevent clients from querying the index remotely
• Allow for indexing of online delegate mailboxes
• Prevent adding user
• Specified locations to the All Locations menu
• Enable throttling for online mail indexing

Per-user policies
• Prevent adding UNC locations to the index from Control Panel
• Prevent customizing indexed locations in Control Panel
• Prevent indexing certain paths
• Default indexed paths
• Default excluded paths

Il prodotto è disponibile in 30 lingue diverse e supporta Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 SP2, Windows Server 2008 e Windows Home Server.

Maggiori informazioni sulla v4, le potrete trovare a questo link:


Categoria: Windows Vista
mercoledì, 04 giu 2008 Ore. 22.39

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