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WSUS 3.0: In arrivo la SP2, ma per ora in Beta

In un periodo di nuovi software rilasciati e nuovi aggiornamenti, ecco spuntare la Service Pack 2 di WSUS 3.0. A livello funzionale non cambierà niente, ma saranno apportate una serie di novità interessanti, tra cui il supporto per la piattaforma Windows 7. Le altre novità sono:

New Windows Server and Client Version Support
·       Integration with Windows Server® 2008 R2
·       Support for Windows 7® client
·       Support for the BranchCache feature on Windows Server® 2008 R2

Auto-Approval Rules
·       New functionality lets you specify the approval deadline date and time.
·       You can now apply a rule to all computers or to specific computer groups.

Update Files and Languages
·       This release provides improved handling of language selection on downstream servers. A new warning dialog appears when you download updates only for specified languages.

Cross-Version Compatibility
·       The user interface is compatible between Service Pack 1 and Service Pack 2 for WSUS 3.0 on both the client and the server.

Software Updates
·       Stability and reliability fixes for the WSUS server, such as support for IPV6 addresses greater than 40 characters.
·       The approval dialog now sorts computer groups alphabetically by group name.
·       Computer status report sorting icons are now functional in x64 environments.
·       Fixed setup issues with database servers running Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008.

Potrete scaricare la Beta direttamente dal sito di connect a questo link:


giovedì, 29 gen 2009 Ore. 15.09

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