
Il blog di Ester Memoli


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Colored Glances. Io e i miei colori. Il blog di un hobby colorato.



*** TEAM***



Tenere la vita reale separata da quella online?



The system administrator song

Ho trovato su Google Video questo simpatico spezzone tratto da, in cui viene cantata una canzone "in onore" dei system administrators :-)


Parte del testo recita:


There's a guy who works in another room, or on another floor; He's the one you call, when your document ain't there no more; he's probably a boy, but he might be a girl, or something in between; he's the only one in the office who knows what 'PC Load Letter' means. He's your system administrator; he's probably into comic books; and you tremble in fear when you have to hear one of his 'what a dummy' looks.


Bellissima lo storia del CAPS LOCK 

Da vedere
Categoria: Musica
venerdì, 24 feb 2006 Ore. 00.00
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