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Skin - Kill everything

Mi ha molto colpito il brano "Kill everything (you love)" di Skin, tratto dal suo ultimo album "Fake chemical state"..lo condivido con voi

There’s no point in being careful
I’ll burn bridges anyway

There’s no point in talking vicious
(I’ve) nothing cutting left to say

I’ve achieved my own survival
I’ve refined my own sweet hell

There’s no point in craving beauty
When you’ll tear me anyhow

If I look you in the eye
I swear I’ll die
‘Cos you kill everything you love

Should I scar my face
To find my peace
While you kill everything you love

There’s no point in sitting silent
There’s no reason to stay calm

I’ve no means to look resentful
(’Cos) everybody you will charm

(I’m) crowded out by stupid duty
Smothered dead by your distain

There’s no point in shouting angry
(’Cos) there’s no reason i should stay
Categoria: Musica
venerdì, 26 mag 2006 Ore. 14.30
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