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Erasure - A little respect

Stasera ho ascoltato per caso "A little respect" su Radio Club 977 una radio on line che trasmette solo musica degli anni 80. Molto bella...l'ho cercata nel mio "archivio" e l'ho ascoltata un po' di volte. Poi ho visto una puntata di Scrubs (registrata), un telefilm molto carino che trasmettono la sera su MTV, e....i medici, i chirurghi e le infermiere per tutta la puntata hanno canticchiato e fischiettato...............A LITTLE RESPECT!!!!
Pazzesco! Tra miliardi di canzoni proprio quella!!!
E ora è in loop in WMP dalle 23....ora sono quasi le 2....
chi mi consiglia qualche altro bel pezzo degli Erasure?

Ne approfitto per farvi leggere il testo, ascoltatela ne vale la pena:

I try to discover
A little something to make me sweeter
Oh baby refrain from breaking my heart
I’m so in love with you
I’ll be forever blue
That you give me no reason
Why you’re making me work so hard

That you give me no
That you give me no
That you give me no
That you give me no

Soul, I hear you calling
Oh baby please give a little respect to me

And if I should falter
Would you open your arms out to me
We can make love not war
And live at peace in our hearts
I’m so in love with you
I’ll be forever blue
What religion or reason
Could drive a man to forsake his lover

Don’t you tell me no
Don’t you tell me no
Don’t you tell me no
Don’t you tell me no

Soul, I hear you calling
Oh baby please give a little respect to me

I’m so in love with you
I’ll be forever blue
That you give me no reason
You know you’re making me work so hard

That you give me no
That you give me no
That you give me no
That you give me no

Soul, I hear you calling
Oh baby please give a little respect to me

Soul, I hear you calling
Oh baby please give a little respect to me
Categoria: Musica
sabato, 18 feb 2006 Ore. 01.46
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