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Backstreetboys - I still

In questi giorni mi sento molto..."musicale"  Ho fatto diversi post a riguardo di canzoni che mi hanno colpito, ma devo dire che dato che mi annoia stare senza rumori di sottofondo (pur abitando a Mestre quasi-centro, mi sembra di stare in montagna, non vola una mosca) sto sempre con musica nuova nelle orecchie :) Devo ammettere che sono da anni e anni una grande fan dei Backstreet Boys, e questa volta nemmeno mi hanno delusa. Il singolo "I still" tratto dal nuovo album "Never gone" mi piace davvero un sacco. Ovviamente parliamo di pop, non venite a fare i professorini  Bando alle ciance, anche il testo mi appassiona ritornello è il *mio* ritornello, mai come ora.

I STILL - Backstreet Boys

Who are you now
Are you still the same
Or did you change somehow
What do you do
At this very moment
When I think of you

And when I'm looking back
How we were young and stupid
Do you remember that

No matter how I fight it, can't deny it
Just can't let you go

I still need you
I still care about you
Though everything's been said and done
I still feel you like I'm right beside you
But still no word from you

Now look at me
Instead of moving on
I refuse to see
That I keep coming back
Yeah, I'm stuck in a moment
That wasn't meant to last (to last)

I've tried to fight it, can't deny it
You don't even know that

I still need you
I still care about you
Though everything's been said and done
I still feel you like I'm right beside you
But still no word from you

No, no
I wish I could find you
Just like you found me, then I
Would never let you go

(need you, care about you)
Though everything's been said and done, yeah
I still feel you (I still feel you)
Like I'm right beside you (like I'm right here beside you)

But still no word from you
Categoria: Musica
domenica, 12 feb 2006 Ore. 11.48
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