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Consuming a nav 2013 page using "c#" and-"Odata"

Consuming a NAV 2013 Page using C# and ODATA :  a very nice port about NAV 2013 OData Web Services "As you may know, NAV 2013 allows you to access data in NAV via ODATA services as well as SOAP. While Daniel Rimmelzwaan put together a good overview of publishing ODATA in NAV (which you can read at NAV 2013 Beta - OData Introduction), I didn’t really see any tutorials on how to consume said ODATA once you’ve got it published, so after I spent some time figuring out how to make it happen 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV 2013
mercoledì, 30 gen 2013 Ore. 18.45


AZZERARE IMPOSTAZIONI CUSTOM SU PAGE, REPORT E ACTIONS CUSTOM UTENTE NAV 2009per ripristinare i default sia di pagina, ruolo, azioni: > personalizza pagina \ ripristina default > personalizza azioni\ ripristina default > personalizza report \ ripristina default uscire e rientrare in NAV 
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martedì, 22 gen 2013 Ore. 11.21

Sql Server reset "db owner" lost on database

Sql Server reset "db owner" lost on database  USE Database exec sp_changedbowner 'sa', true    >> reassign user "sa" on user dbo lost on database   
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
venerdì, 18 gen 2013 Ore. 14.04

Impostazione max CPU max 80% performance (ex. 00000050) . "cpuRateLimit"

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Quota System\S-1-5-21-278992790-3398369475-18719871-3512]"CpuRateLimit"=dword:00000050 00000050 ex = 80% CPU    recupero SID UTENTE wmic useraccount get name,sid > c:\temp\file.txt es:  S-1-5-21-278992790-3398369475-18719871-3513 
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lunedì, 14 gen 2013 Ore. 13.00

Kill sessioni NAV dormienti senza transazioni aperte da piu di 20 minuti

-- Kill sessioni NAV dormienti senza transazioni aperte da piu di 20 minuti USE ER_P DECLARE @v_spid INTDECLARE c_Users CURSORFAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT spid   FROM master..sysprocesses (NOLOCK)   WHERE spid>50      AND (program_name LIKE N'%Microsoft Dynamics NAV%') AND (program_name not like N'%Microsoft Dynamics NAV WEB%')   AND status='sleeping'   AND DATEDIFF(mi,last_batch,GETDATE())>20   AND spid<>@@spid &nbs 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
lunedì, 14 gen 2013 Ore. 12.40

List all processes running on SQL Server

-- List all processes running on SQL Server SELECT [Database]=DB_NAME(dbid), spid, last_batch, status, hostname, loginame FROM sys.sysprocesses WHERE dbid = DB_ID('ER_P');  
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
lunedì, 14 gen 2013 Ore. 11.35

How to install dynamics nav 2009 in different configurations

Great post about dynamics Nav 2009 configuration scenariosby Peik Bech-Andersen ! nice blog 
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domenica, 13 gen 2013 Ore. 19.09

Dynamics NAV 2009 and additional SPNs

Dynamics NAV 2009 and additional SPNs > Are any additional SPNs required for additional webservice instances, running under the same account, on the same server? (Assume port sharing, if this matters.)  No, Because SPN uniqueness is defined by protocol name, address (and sometime port) and account, you do not need new SPN if all this is same. Chain of trust If you need to be able to pass Kerberos authentication between services, you need to create the chain corr 
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sabato, 12 gen 2013 Ore. 22.50

Configuring the RoleTailored Client - ClientUserSettings.config

Configuring the RoleTailored ClientMicrosoft Dynamics NAV 2013The RoleTailored client is a component of the RoleTailored Architecture in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009.As you run Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Setup, you can provide configuration information for the RoleTailored client. This information is then saved in the ClientUserSettings.config file.A separate instance of the ClientUserSettings.config file is maintained for each client user. On Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP, the locatio 
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sabato, 12 gen 2013 Ore. 22.11


ELIMINARE MENU' REPARTI NAV 2009  Per togliere menu reparti > avviare l'RTC da CMD con il parametro di configurazione desiderato (ruolo):Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.exe -configure -profile:"AR ADMINISTRATOR "       RUOLI DA CUI TOGLIERE MENU REPARTI AR ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNTING MANAGER AP COORDINATOR .... nascondere il menu "REPARTI"> reparti > personalizza riquadro spostamento > selezione icona reparti > click tatso ELIMINAil menu viene e 
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martedì, 08 gen 2013 Ore. 15.30
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