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Errore Sql: SQL Server has encountered 1 occurrence(s) of IO

Errore Sql : SQL Server has encountered 1 occurrence(s) of IO Causa jobs, Backup, Index defrag, or DTS package schedulate --> Soluzione : forzare una compattazione del log file Compattazione del log file es: DBCC SHRINKFILE(pubs_log, 20)BACKUP LOG pubs WITH TRUNCATE_ONLYDBCC SHRINKFILE(pubs_log,20) 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
giovedì, 13 mar 2008 Ore. 17.02

SQL Memory Tips: steps to use full Sql 2005 memory

To use more than 4GB:  SQL 2005 32 Bit 1. Add /PAE to boot.ini 2. Configure lock pages in memory, in group policy , computer configuration expand window settings, expand security settting, local policies, user right assignments,click lock pages in memory , add sql account that starts up sql. 3 In sql 2005 memory settings tick flag use AWE. In error log see SET AWE enabled to 1 in configuration parameter to allow use of more memory. (Do not see anything in lock pages in memory and on 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
lunedì, 10 mar 2008 Ore. 16.25

Lock Page in Memory policy (for Enabling AWE)

Make sure that the user account the SQL Server service is running on is added to "Lock Page in Memory policy" of the "User RightsAssignments" in "Local Security Policy" of the computer. "Lock Page in Memory policy"  --> Assigning policy a) Click on Start and choose Programsb) Choose Administrative Tools, and then select LocalSecurity Policy.c) Expand Security Settingsd) Expand Local Policies, and then click User RightsAssignments.e) From the screen on the right, right-click Lock pagesi 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
venerdì, 07 mar 2008 Ore. 16.04
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