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SQL Filegroups Analysis

SQL Server 2005   Analizza SQL Filegroups Analysis   select  case when indexes.type_desc in ('HEAP','CLUSTERED')                       then 'Table-' + indexes.type_desc             else '    NC Index' end as indexType,              rtrim(ca 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
martedì, 23 feb 2010 Ore. 12.36

Automation not found

Automation not found example : 'Navision Attain Hash 1.0'.BSTRConverter --> the file is called NATHASH.dll Search for it on your machine (It should be in the client Directory)   TO REGISTER COMPONENT (DLL OR OCX) IF MISSING Then in Navision, click Tools->Custom Controls. Once in there click Controls->Browse. Find the NatHash.dll and click ok. Reload Navision, try and save the table. Let me know if that works, sometimes it doesn't and you need to do a regSvr32 
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
martedì, 23 feb 2010 Ore. 12.31

DB Sql Server "Change Db Status"

Change the database context to Master and allow updates to system tables:   Use Master   Go   sp_configure 'allow updates', 1   reconfigure with override   GoSet the database in Emergency (bypass recovery) mode:   select * from sysdatabases where name = '<db_name>'   -- note the value of the status column for later use in # 6   begin tran   update sysdatabases set status = 32768 where name = '<db_n 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
lunedì, 22 feb 2010 Ore. 17.44

NAV scoprire i granuli abilitati (Permission Range)

Metodo  per capire quali sono i granuli abilitati dalla licenza installata.   DA SQL SERVER --> non è possibile (licenza è oggetto BLOB incapsulato) DA NAVISION --> Creare una form sulla tabella virtuale "Permission Range"   Eseguire prima e dopo il cambio licenza per verificare i granuli abilitati.  
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Categoria: Dynamics NAV ALL
martedì, 16 feb 2010 Ore. 14.07

Identify SQL Server 2005 Standard Login Settings

The way to see what logins fit which of these three options is easily done by query the catalog view sys.sql_logins. The following query provides that information: SELECT      [name]   , is_policy_checked   , is_expiration_checked FROM sys.sql_logins; OPTIONSMust change password at next login SELECT LOGINPROPERTY('sa', 'IsMustChange');GO  Result Set Legend 0 - Must not change password at next login 1 - Must change password at next login Expired password  
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
sabato, 06 feb 2010 Ore. 19.14

Kill Sql idle session

Ever wanted to get rid of users who are sitting idle for long periods of time? Here's a script that removes spids idle for a variable period of time. if object_Id( 'dbspKillIdleSpids') Is Not Null drop procedure dbspKillIdleSpidsgo CREATE procedure dbspKillIdleSpids @sec int = Nullas/**************************************************************Name: dbspKillIdleSpidsDescription: kills connections that have beeninactive for @sec seconds. Usage: exec dbspKillIdleSpids <sec>  
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
giovedì, 04 feb 2010 Ore. 15.08


Nel caso in cui svoglia svuotare del tutto il file di log di un DB sql    Azzeramento log fileDBCC SHRINKFILE (NomeLogicoFileDiLog, 0)   Rimozione del log file (o da maintenance Plan con tasto X cancella) BACKUP LOG NomeDatabase WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY oppure REMOVE FILE <log file name>       
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
giovedì, 04 feb 2010 Ore. 10.44

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Developer and IT Pro Documentation

MSDN: Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Developer and IT Pro Documentation  
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mercoledì, 03 feb 2010 Ore. 21.25

SQL switch recovery model (BULK-LOGGED to SIMPLE e viceversa)

Multidatabase : Switch da MODEL BULK-LOGGED a SIMPLE e viceversa --SET BULK-LOGGED MODE USE masterGO -- Declare a variable to store the value [database name] returned by FETCH.DECLARE @dbname sysname, @cmd varchar(1000) -- Declare a cursor to iterate through the list of databasesDECLARE db_recovery_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT name from sysdatabases-- Open the cursorOPEN db_recovery_cursor -- Perform the first fetch and store the value in a variable.FETCH NEXT FROM db_recovery_cursor INTO @dbnam 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
mercoledì, 03 feb 2010 Ore. 14.03

SQL Workshops (SQL Server Webcasts)

SQL Workshops (SQL Server Webcasts) 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
martedì, 02 feb 2010 Ore. 16.36
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