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Elenco tabelle presenti nei Filegroups

Elenco tabelle presenti nei Filegroups SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), OBJECT_NAME( Tabella, fg.groupnameFROM sysindexes s INNER JOIN sysfilegroups fgON s.groupid = fg.groupidWHERE > 100AND s.indid < 2 ORDER BY fg.groupname   utilissimo !!!!   
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
giovedì, 01 lug 2010 Ore. 18.36

Limit SQL Server memory usage

Limit SQL Server memory usage Use the sp_configure system stored procedure with the max server memory option to limit the amount of memory in the buffer pool used by an instance of SQL Server or MSDE. This will prevent SQL Server from using more than the specified amount of memory, thus leaving remaining memory available to start other applications quickly. Enable advanced options: USE masterEXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE Set the maximum amount of memo 
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Categoria: Sql Server ALL
giovedì, 01 lug 2010 Ore. 14.27
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