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*** TEAM***



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DIABLO 3 - Lo stress test dei tester

Come sapete, cari giocatori di Diablo, questo weekend è attivo l'open beta (stress) test di Diablo 3.

Invidio moltissimo i fortunati che sono riusciti a giocarci per ore.
Io ce l'ho fatta dopo 7 ore di attesa, tra crash e server busy e server shutdown e server failure  eccc, creando una maga e portandola avanti per 4-5 livelli. Poi è morto tutto e ancora non sono riuscita a rigiocarci.

Pertanto ho fatto un giro sui forum dedicati per capire quanto fosse diffuso il problema.
Alla fine mi sono disinteressata delle info tecniche spanciandomi dalle risate per i commenti balordi dei wannabe beta tester ormai distrutti dall'attesa.

Ne ho copiato qualcuno, ma ce ne sono moltissimi altri in giro tra le varie centinaia di pagine di rant vari. Vi lascio con l'errore 37 e i corvi del login screen. Enjoy!
PS. Molti di questi rappresentano anche il mio sabato. :-P

- This is driving me insane. Stress test has accomplished its goal on me.

- BRB replacing my Ctrl,V,and Enter keys

- The menu music makes me feel like I am in an epic struggle vs. error 37 right now, furiously re-entering my password to no avail.

- Wait... is it a stress test on the server or on us?

- I'm having a blast!

- I hate you error 37

- I hope they are at least learning something from my wasted weekend day of staring at a log in screen.

- The crows are waiting until you die from typing ctrl+v enter fifteen million times then they are going to fly out of the screen and consume your fresh warm corpses.

- The two crows on my screen have fallen asleep waiting... WTF!!

- I have been in the login page so long the house that was on fire has been put out and one of the 2 crows has flown away = /

- Blizzards way of saying things shortly = 5 hours. brief time = 3 hours. weekend beta = 4 hours gametime.

- My day:Try to log in, error XXXX.Took a shower.
Try to log in, error XXXX.Did the dishes.
Try to log in, error XXXX.Mowed the back yard.
Try to log in, error XXXX.Mowed the front yard.
Try to log in, error XXXX.Payed some attention to my wife.
Try to log in, error XXXX.Finally took my broken fuel pump off my Harley.
Try to log in, error XXXX.Check the forums.
Thank you Blizz for helping me get so many things done today.

- nice error msg beta test ...also i need more wood for my campfire and my crows are lvl 12 now

- I think one of my crows left to kill King Leoric...

- THIS WEEKEND ONLY! Download the D3 client and test out ALL of our error messages!

- Stress testing the login screen has been a great success, good job blizz on having a login screen that works so well. Your game gets pretty repetitive though, unless you have higher difficulty levels people are going to not find hitting enter (or pasting then hitting enter) that much fun after awhile, it won't hold interest.

- This has been a very helpful stress test of the login screen. I hope they have been able to fix all of the login screen issues. Any info on when they will actually stress test the game?

- the real stress test is to see how many time you can do this in a min:*ctrl+v**Enter*wait....*Enter**ctrl+v**Enter*wait....*Enter*That copy paste game is pretty damn fun !! Loving it Blizz keep it up !

- OMG i logged in finally......Nope just kidding, April fools


PS: domenica sono riuscita a giocarci tutto il giorno, e l'ho finito sia in modalità normale che hardcore con demon hunter, witch doctor e wizard :-)

Categoria: Cazzeggio puro
domenica, 22 apr 2012 Ore. 00.00
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