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Disponibile Deployment 4 Beta 3

Deployment 4 Beta 3 non è altro che il successore di BDD 2007, l'applicativo per fare deploy dei sistemi operativi. Questa nuova versione offrirà il supporto alle seguenti tecnologie:

- System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Operating System Deployment
Windows Automated Installation Kit
Windows Deployment Services with new multicast technology
- Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.0
User State Migration Tool 3.0.1
- Windows Server 2008 Server Manager for automated server role definition

Tra le novità, troviamo invece:

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 support, with the following features:
- Full support for Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 deployments with Deployment 4 and Configuration Manager 2007.
- Complete integration into the Configuration Manager 2007 admin console and task sequencing capabilities.
- Quick start Configuration Manager 2007 operating system deployments using one wizard to create needed task sequences and packages.
- Extends the Configuration Manager 2007 task sequencing capabilities with new actions.
- Feature parity with BDD 2007 and SMS 2003, including dynamic package installation, automatic determination of state store location, computer backup, database settings.

Lite Touch Installation (LTI) support for Windows Server 2008:
- Support for deploying Windows Server 2008 Beta 3 and potentially RC0 (to be verified after RC0 release), including support for Server Core installation options. (Windows Server 2008 TAP customers only.)
- Lite Touch Installation (LTI) enhancements:
- Enhanced disk and network interface cards (NICs) configuration options, including support for static TCP/IP configuration.
- Design changes to ease the migration from LTI to Configuration Manager 2007.

Support for multiple task sequence templates. New sample templates include:
- Client template: Windows Vista, Windows XP
- Server template: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008
- Replace scenario template
- Ability to invoke web service calls Support for web service calls from rules
- Web services can be invoked as part of the rules processing performed by Deployment 4, using new rules that can be defined in CustomSettings.ini.
- Support for side-by-side installation with Deployment 4 and BDD 2007 installed on the same machine.

Lite Touch Installation (LTI) multicast support:
- Deployment Workbench supports multicast transmission of operating system images when performing LTI deployments from Windows Server 2008 servers that are running Windows Deployment Services.

Potrete scaricare Deployment 4 dal sito di connect, inserendo il seguente codice invito: BDDP-QMYH-VWTH

Ciao ciao

Categoria: Windows Server
martedì, 18 set 2007 Ore. 10.35

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