Lorenzo Benaglia

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Lowepro CompuTrekker AW

Qualche giorno fa ho deciso di acquistare uno zainetto per il mio corredo fotografico e dato che spesso mi tocca portare a spasso anche il notebook, la scelta è caduta sul Lowepro CompuTrekker AW:Lo zaino è veramente robusto, le cerniere sono di ottima fattura, ci sono un sacco di tasche dove riporre accessori come filtri, batterie, ecc.E' prevista la possibilità di attaccare un cavalletto nella parte anteriore.Lo spazio interno è decisamente abbondante rispetto al mio attuale corredo, quin 
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Categoria: Fotografia
giovedì, 29 giu 2006 Ore. 21.34

Plextor launches its first Blu-ray drive: the PX-B900A

Oggi leggendo Plextor Update ho appreso l'uscita del nuovo masterizzatore Blu-ray di Plextor. Vi riporto brevemente l'annuncio:Plextor, a leading supplier of optical and storage devices, announces its first drive to use Blu-ray technology – the PX-B900A The internal (ATAPI) re-writer drive is capable of writing and re-writing Blu-ray discs at 2x (BD-R and BD-RE) up to a maximum capacity of 25GB for single layer and 50GB for dual-layer.Rudy De Meirsman, Sales & Marketing Manager of Plext 
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Categoria: Tecnologie
giovedì, 29 giu 2006 Ore. 21.12

SSMA Access License Key

For SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for Microsoft Access to operate properly, you must properly register, download, and update the license key. This page provides access to a download of the license key as well as instructions on how you can update the SSMA installation. 
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Categoria: SQL Server
giovedì, 29 giu 2006 Ore. 20.59

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver 1.1 Community Technology Preview June 2006

In its continued commitment to interoperability, Microsoft has released a new Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver with SQL Server 2005. The SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver 1.1 CTP June 2006 download is available to all SQL Server users at no additional charge, and provides access to SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 from any Java application, application server, or Java-enabled applet. This is a Type 4 JDBC driver that provides database connectivity through the standard JDBC application progr 
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Categoria: SQL Server
lunedì, 26 giu 2006 Ore. 23.22

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Help Desk Sample Application

The Help Desk Sample Application is a rich client and web application that provides incident tracking and resolution administration. 
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Categoria: SQL Server
sabato, 24 giu 2006 Ore. 18.36

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Survey Manager Sample Application

The Survey Manager provides a rich client interface to enable you to manage a database of teachers, students, classes, and surveys. Surveys and quizzes can be designed and assigned to specific classes. A web-based interface allows students to complete a survey. This application integrates with the ASP.Net Membership provider so that you can define students in the client application and assign usernames and passwords which are applied to the membership tables in the database, providing login acco 
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Categoria: SQL Server
venerdì, 23 giu 2006 Ore. 10.06

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Skills Manager Sample Application

The Skill Manager is a rich client application that allows you to create and manage customized skill definitions and requirements for any type of project. The user can also manage customer and employees and link them to projects and skills. This application can generate an HTML-based employee resume report, complete with skill details extracted from an XML representation of skill categories and properties. 
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Categoria: SQL Server
venerdì, 23 giu 2006 Ore. 10.04

Per i nostalgici come me...

A gennaio lessi sul Blog di Euan Garden un post sulla storia di SQL Server veramente ben curato e "strappalacrime". Questa sera ho addocchiato un secondo post che mostra le foto delle confezioni (c'è anche quella della versione 1.0 per OS/2 in collaborazione con Ashton-Tate). Guardate la SQL Admin Facility della versione 1.1 e ditemi cos'ha in meno rispetto al Query Analyzer. Un'altra cosa che mi ha particolarmente impressionato è la crescita esponenziale delle firme presenti sulle scatole  
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Categoria: SQL Server
giovedì, 15 giu 2006 Ore. 23.21

Enisey - add-in to SQL Server Management Studio

Questa sera stavo chiacchierando con Andrea quando sbotta dicendo: "blogga questo!"Faccio click sul link e scopro Enisey, uno splendido add-In per SQL Server Management Studio sviluppato da Gleb Ufimtsev."Enisey" is data scripter add-in to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). One expands the functionality of SSMS and allows to script data from any tables into a choosen ".sql" file in the view of INSERT statements. It is one .NET 2.0 assembly, registered as COM-object and registere 
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Categoria: SQL Server
giovedì, 15 giu 2006 Ore. 22.53

Project REAL Reference Implementation

The Project REAL reference implementation provides you with a working sample to build, implement and test the solution in your organization. The sample schemas, code, and architecture can be used to jumpstart the development of your own Business Intelligence solution. It contains a subset of the Project REAL data so you can see how various parts of the system work with actual data.The kit contains:1. A set of instructions for setting up the environment 2. Guidance on how to explore the implement 
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Categoria: SQL Server
sabato, 10 giu 2006 Ore. 11.49

SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access

Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for Access is a tool for migrating databases from Microsoft Access to Microsoft SQL Server 2005. SSMA for Access converts Access database objects to SQL Server database objects, loads those objects into SQL Server, and then migrates data from Access to SQL Server. SSMA for Access supports Access 97 - Access 2003 databases. 
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Categoria: SQL Server
venerdì, 09 giu 2006 Ore. 22.05

SQL Server Migration Assistant for Sybase ASE

SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for Sybase ASE is a complete suite of tools that dramatically cuts the effort, cost, and risk of migrating from Sybase ASE database to SQL Server. SSMA automates almost every aspect of the migration process including assessment, schema and data migration, business logic conversion.With SSMA, IT organizations now have the freedom to move to SQL Server and take advantage of SQL Server's exceptional security, scalability, developer productivity, and the industr 
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Categoria: SQL Server
venerdì, 09 giu 2006 Ore. 22.03

SQL Server 2005 Everywhere Edition Community Technology Preview Books Online

Disponibile la CTP dei Books Online di SQL Server Everywhere, la nuova verrione light di SQL Server studiata per applicazioni desktop e mobile.  
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Categoria: SQL Server
venerdì, 09 giu 2006 Ore. 22.01

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Internet Explorer Favorites Sample Application C#

The Internet Explorer Favorites Sample Application is a web application for keeping track of browser history and Internet Explorer Favorites.OverviewUse this application to more effectively manage your Internet Explorer Favorites and better understand your browser history. The Internet Explorer Favorites Starter Kit is a web application for keeping track of your Internet Explorer Favorites and reporting on your browser history. This sample application shows you how to incorporate SQL Server Repo 
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Categoria: SQL Server
giovedì, 08 giu 2006 Ore. 23.53

Internet Explorer Favorites Sample Applications for SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and Visual Basic

The Internet Explorer Favorites Sample Application is a web application for keeping track of browser history and Internet Explorer Favorites.OverviewUse this application to more effectively manage your Internet Explorer Favorites and better understand your browser history. The Internet Explorer Favorites Starter Kit is a web application for keeping track of your Internet Explorer Favorites and reporting on your browser history. This sample application shows you how to incorporate SQL Server Repo 
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Categoria: SQL Server
giovedì, 08 giu 2006 Ore. 23.52

SQL Server 2005 Upgrade Technical Reference Guide

Da oggi è disponibile un documendo Word di ben 350 pagine che illustra come pianificare il passaggio dalle precedenti versioni di SQL Server a SQL Server 2005, sfruttando le nuove funzionalità offerte dal prodotto.  
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Categoria: SQL Server
giovedì, 08 giu 2006 Ore. 23.48

SQL Backup 4.5 beta released

Da circa una settimana è disponibile la versione beta del nuovo SQL Backup 4.5 di Red Gate Software. Chiunque abbia intenzione di aderire alla beta può farlo scaricando il prodotto dal seguente link e partecipando alle discussioni sull'apposito forum. 
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Categoria: SQL Server
mercoledì, 07 giu 2006 Ore. 21.21

Free Lens Hoods

A volte un paraluce per i nostri amati obiettivi può costare anche alcune centinaia di euro così spesso rinunciamo all'acquisto.Alcune lenti più costose (come ad esempio la serie L di Canon) includono il paraluce nella confezione, ma ci sono obiettivi che pur essendo molto buoni ne sono sprovvisti (come lo splendido Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM).Come fare in questi casi? Ho scoperto per caso il sito Free Lens Hoods che offre gratuitamente il download di documenti PDF raffiguranti i p 
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Categoria: Fotografia
sabato, 03 giu 2006 Ore. 14.32

.NET Rocks! - Kimberly Tripp on SQL Server 2005 SP1 and More

Segnalo un nuovo filmato di Kimberly Tripp:In this episode, the always mind-bending Kimberly Tripp talks to us about improvements in SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1, converting Oracle users to SQL Server, and much more. 
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Categoria: SQL Server
giovedì, 01 giu 2006 Ore. 11.30
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