System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 (che poi perchè l'hanno chiamato così se in teoria si era deciso che dopo la prima build ci doveva essere sempre una R2), sta per arrivare alla sua versione definitiva. Per quelli che non conosco il programma, VMM serve per la gesione delle macchine virtuali in ambienti lavorativi, è sarà disponibile in due versioni. Attualmente il prodotto si trova in Beta. Ecco le differenze che verranno attuate, nel momento in cui verrà resa disponibile la versione definitiva......rispetto alla attuale Beta (ovviamente):
- Support for managing hosts in a Disjoint Namespace
- Support for enabling PRO on non-clustered hosts
- Automated loading of OpsMgr MPs via Configure Operations Manager option in Setup
- View Script Option – now you can preview the script that PRO will run to implement the PRO Tip
Admin Console
- Network Diagram View graphically shows how your hosts and VMs are connected to networks in your environment (some screen shots to follow)
- New, more polished UI
- Allow users to mount ISOs
- Completely overhauled UI
VMware management
- Support for VMware HA along with HA VM creation on VMware clusters
- Enhanced security for VMware management
- Management of ESX 3i
Global Static MAC Address range – configure the range of MAC addresses VMM uses when creating new virtual network devices
P2V improvements
- Support for offline conversion using static IP
- Storage and network driver detection for offline conversion
- P2V of domain controller
VM Creation
- Creation of VMs without customization required (templates now have the option of “skipping” customization) so you can use non-Windows templates
- Product Key encryption by default in Guest OS profile
- VHD expansion
Setup and Installation
- SQL 2008 Support
- VMM 2007 to VMM 2008 Migration
- Ability to install as a domain user in addition to local system
Bene....ora non ci resta che attendere la versione finale.