Lorenzo Benaglia

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Today we released DataDude CTP6

Oggi Gert Drapers ha comunicato il rilascio della Community Technology Preview 6 di Visual Studio Team Edition for Database Professionals (code named Data Dude).

This is a small overview of the changes between CTP5 and CTP6

  a.. Full support for SQL Server 2000 & 2005 objects, the parser work has been completed
  b.. Extended Properties support, we know import and deploy all your extended properties
  c.. Inline constraint support, if you do not want to separate them out, we allow them inline as well
  d.. Pre- and post deployment scripts population during Import Script
  e.. Full support for command line build & deploy and Team Build
  f.. A new Import Schema Wizard which is also integrated with the New Project Wizard to make project creation and import a single stop shop
  g.. Synchronize your database project from Schema Compare, compare your project with a database and pull the differences in to the database project
  h.. Schema refactoring is now allowed even if you have files in a warning state
  i.. Resolve 3 and 4 part name usage when the referenced database is locally present, same for linked servers
  j.. The product no longer installs SQL Express; you can pick your own SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition or SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition instance on the local box. When you first start the product for the first time we will ask you to choose an local instance to use
  k.. Display detailed Schema Object properties in the VS Property Window for selected objects in the Schema View
  l.. Separation of user target database settings through user project files, this allows users to work against a different target instance without changing the main project file.
  m.. We made great progress on the overall stability and performance of the product across the board, project creation, importing your schema, reloading project and making changes to your schema
  n.. And last but not least we fixed many reported customer problems!

We love to hear your feedback either through the MSDN forum,  or you can email the team directly at tsdext@microsoft.com or you can send me mail.
Categoria: SQL Server
mercoledì, 18 ott 2006 Ore. 17.19
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