Lorenzo Benaglia

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Microsoft Certification Exam 70-441 Status Change

Questa è davvero una cosa incredibile.
Come qualcuno ricorderà, lo scorso 29 novembre ho sostenuto l'esame beta 071-441 PRO: Designing Database Solutions by Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 ma purtroppo il 14 febbraio ho scoperto di non averlo passato.
Il 23 marzo ho provato a ridarlo ma questa volta con successo.

Ieri ricevo una e-mail da Microsoft dove si evince che in base al feedback raccolto durante la fase beta e nei primi mesi della release definitiva, hanno deciso di apportare delle modifiche all'esame.
Queste modifiche hanno comportato che alcuni punteggi precedentemente considerati insufficienti al superamento dell'esame, ora invece lo sono.
Quindi in soldoni si complimentano con me per aver superato l'esame...  si, ma cacchio, io l'ho ridato una seconda volta!!
Per farsi perdonare mi hanno regalato altri 2 vouchers.
Se volete farvi due risate, leggete la mail allegata:

Dear Lorenzo Benaglia,
Thank you for taking Microsoft Certification Exam 70-441: PRO: Designing Database Solutions by Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005. 
Based on the feedback we received for the beta and released versions of this exam we have made changes to the test.  This adjustment has changed some of the scores from failing to passing.  Consequently, we congratulate you on passing Exam 70-441: PRO: Designing Database Solutions by Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
Your original status of “fail” has been corrected to become a “pass” and is now accurately reflected in the Microsoft certification database.  No further action is required by you.  
We also recognize you have taken this exam multiple times. We truly apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you and are pleased to offer you two free vouchers for future Microsoft certification exams of your choice as compensation.
Your voucher numbers:   

Discount percentage: 100%
Expiration Date:     May 31, 2007
Country where valid: Worldwide

These vouchers can be used to take any Microsoft Certification Exam.
To redeem a voucher, register for a qualifying exam at either Pearson VUE or Prometric:
Pearson VUE
800-TEST-REG (837-8734)
800-755-EXAM (3926)
Rules and Restrictions:
• One voucher may be applied towards one exam, delivered at an Authorized Prometric Testing Center (APTC) or Pearson VUE Testing Center.
• Vouchers are program specific and, in some cases, exam specific. Please ensure you redeem the voucher for the correct exam. Vouchers are not transferable between programs.
• Candidates must register for and take their examination prior to the expiration date provided. Voucher expiration dates cannot be extended under any circumstances.
• Prometric, Authorized Prometric Testing Centers, Pearson VUE, and Microsoft Corporation are not responsible for lost or stolen vouchers or voucher numbers.
• Vouchers may not be redeemed for cash or credit, or returned for a refund.
• Vouchers may not be applied to exams that have already been taken.
• Any resale and/or transfer of this voucher is expressly prohibited.
Thank you for your continued support of Microsoft Certification and good luck in your future exams.   If you have additional questions about how this change affects your Exam 70-441 or Microsoft Certification status, please contact
mcphelp@microsoft.com for individual assistance.
Sondra Webber
Senior Program Manager,
Developer and Database Certifications
Microsoft Learning
Categoria: SQL Server
venerdì, 07 lug 2006 Ore. 10.24
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