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10 febbraio - 01.22, A long long weekend! But i dunno if i have to laugh or cry... During this weekend Microsoft released 3 important updates for Windows XP and Internet Explorer! So update your system!
07 aprile - 18.20, I fixed some graphical issues for Netscape/Opera browser. But one of the great problem of Dopostback for Netscape users is writing on the forum because the Rich Text Editor i've added on my site runs onl with Internet Explorer. I'll fix this soon.
08 aprile - 12.35, I fxed one of the more important bug for Netscape/Opera Browsers Now They can send message on the File Forum! Netscape/Opera users doesn't reach the same Rich text editor as Internet Explorer users, but this one work properly!
07 ottobre - 02.56, For web developers, the future of Internet Explorer: Internet Explorer Update
26 novembre - 02.02, Eolas patent to be re-examinated ? After Microsoft announced the future changes in its Internet Explorer, which will break millions of web sites, it seems that the W3C urged to re-examine the 906 patent... "Specifically, the consortium pointed out early HTML drafts by W3C Director
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